Another CD rescued from oblivion

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Stan W.

Another CD rescued from oblivion

Post by Stan W. »

After a hiatus of at least two seasons, "Nonsly" ('79 CD 28 #225) finally was launched Friday in Hingham, MA. Boy did she look classic when I first saw her in the water sandwiched between a couple of large, contemporary Catalinas. Sailed her to her new home in Duxbury, MA Saturday (actually, for a variety of reasons, we motored most of the way, but she handled great while we had her under sail).

At times she made over 5.5 knots through the water in about a 15 knot wind with only the genoa up and negligible weather helm. The Volvo powered the boat at 5 knots through the water at 2500 rpm, but seemed a little smokey (old fuel?) and ran a little hot at higher rpms (thermostat?, water pump?). Also, tightening the stuffing box will stop the trickle while at rest but, after you run the diesel, the trickle while at rest resumes (further tightening?, new packing?). I guess there always will be something else to do on a 22 year old boat.

Arrived kind of late Saturday evening so squatted on someone else's mooring overnight, right next to two local CD 36s. Put her on her own mooring Sunday, right next to two other local CDs (one looks like a 27, a 26 or a 25D and I think the other is a 22). There are also several local Tys and CD 25s so we now have at least ten CDs in our relatively small harbor.
zeida cecilia-mendez

Re: Another CD rescued from oblivion

Post by zeida cecilia-mendez »

No matter how old they are, after a little tlc, they are always a head-turner, aren't they? Bet she's very happy to be doing what she does best, among others of the same kind. It's always so sad to see boats in different stages of abandonment... glad you're getting taking care of her now. Keep up the good sail! Cheers.
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