new CD25 website

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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s/v lefty

new CD25 website

Post by s/v lefty »

got a new website, if you want to see it.

Re: new CD25 website

Post by Chris »

s/v lefty wrote: got a new website, if you want to see it.
Great damn voyage. You make me envious. Now, If i could just ditch the wife, kid, dog, job, mortage, car payments, etc...

Good luck, if you're ever in Galesville, MD let me know.

Christian DeHaemer
Morning Star, CD25 Hull #12.

Re: new CD25 website

Post by zeida »

What a great story! Those of us CapeDory NUTS do appreciate what you've done. Hull #4 should be displayed on the CD Website as the featured boat of the fleet!.


Post by Jon »

Well Done!

Love to see a great boat rescued and returned to the sea!

All the best,
s/v Sovereign

Re: new CD25 website

Post by Craig »

I checked out your site. keep on refining what you have. I liked your narrative. Include a bunch of before and after pictures if you have them. we have a 1987 34ft hunter that we will be selling to buy a cd 25 or cd 26 outboard for our lakehome. good luck with your site. craig in mpls.
s/v lefty

Re: new CD25 website

Post by s/v lefty »

I should be going right by Galesville in the fall. Don't ditch the wife! If I missed anything this trip it was having no one to turn to and say "look, isn't that pretty?". Also if she can steer a course you can change a jib running downwind, or take a nap. With another helmsperson (?) you could make 100 mile days, something I can only dream about.

Re: new CD25 website

Post by zeida »

s/v lefty wrote: I should be going right by Galesville in the fall. Don't ditch the wife! If I missed anything this trip it was having no one to turn to and say "look, isn't that pretty?". Also if she can steer a course you can change a jib running downwind, or take a nap. With another helmsperson (?) you could make 100 mile days, something I can only dream about.
You can make your dream a reality!!! Get an Autohelm 1000 for tillers. It works great on the CD-25. With that helming for you, it's as if you had a crew! It works! I had one on my 1980 CD-25. On my CD-33 I have the Autohelm 3000 for the wheel, and it's also a delight. Cheers.
s/v lefty

Re: new CD25 website

Post by s/v lefty »

respectfully: an autohelm is not like having a crew, because it can not stand a watch. After 24 hrs, neither can I. You have to have a lookout at all times, you know. Like when I called the Navy ship in the Chesapeake: I said "sailing vessel Lefty on your port bow" and he came back "there's nobody on my port bow". This was broad daylight, 5 mi visibility, and at a range of about 1000 yds. See, he should have posted a lookout.
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