Hi Folks,
I'm looking at a used TY, l977, recently refinished hull and deck, teak in good condition, etc.
Anything I should look for that is peculiar to TY's?
Thanks in advance
Sean Morgan
Any tips on looking at a used Ty 19?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Any tips on looking at a used Ty 19?
I would look for any problems associated with the lack of support beneath the mast step. One particular problem is the sloping of the foredeck aft due to the downward pressure of the mast. I had this problem on a '73 Ty but not in the '71 that I currently own--this I attribute to the large knee braces within the cabin area. I understand that some have installed a compression post below the mast step to counteract the downward pressure. I would look closely at the age/condition of the sails--the most important are the main and working jib. Standing and running rigging. Also, the outboard motor--how well does it run, service records, etc. Any indication(s) of structural damage? You indicate hull and deck were refinished--gelcoat, awlgrip, paint? Thru-hulls, hoses, etc. Good luck.Sean wrote: Hi Folks,
I'm looking at a used TY, l977, recently refinished hull and deck, teak in good condition, etc.
Anything I should look for that is peculiar to TY's?
Thanks in advance
Sean Morgan
Re: Any tips on looking at a used Ty 19?
Just to add to what Jim was saying; another problem with earlier Typhoons is the deck lifting up where the shrouds connect to the deck. I think this is related to the lack of support under the mast or overtightening of the standing rigging. I once had a seller throw me out of his house because I suggested that this might be a problem with the boat he was trying to sell me.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Re: Any tips on looking at a used Ty 19?
Sean, I bought a 1981 TY daysailor this spring and it's really great. I've gone thru a lot of correspondence on this site in the past few months(I don't think there's another collection of owners like this anywhere), and it seems to me that the big headache w/ these old TYs is the compression caused by the deck stepped mast on the weekender. the daysailor has a hole in the cuddy cabin overhead and the mast is keel stepped. It's been a really great boat so far. the big disadvantage I've noted is there's no inside portapotty for the female guests.Sean wrote: Hi Folks,
I'm looking at a used TY, l977, recently refinished hull and deck, teak in good condition, etc.
Anything I should look for that is peculiar to TY's?
Thanks in advance
Sean Morgan
Having said that, there are far, far more weekenders out there for sale. One thing that really helps deck stepped mast boats is when they are stored for the winter w/ he rig down. the rig and the deck and the chainplates/stemhead/backstay tang all take a beating when the wind blows and the boat doesn't move. maybe worthwhile trying to asess how any prospective boats have been stored.
Re: Any tips on looking at a used Ty 19?
Perhaps this tip is just too obvious for CD's but... look for any cracks/crazing in the gelcoat on the fore deck causing "spongyness" of the deck (rotting balsa core due to water seepage)Sean wrote: Hi Folks,
I'm looking at a used TY, l977, recently refinished hull and deck, teak in good condition, etc.
Anything I should look for that is peculiar to TY's?
Thanks in advance
Sean Morgan