Just changed the fuel filts on my cd27 yanmar ysm
it took abut two hrs and I want to thatnk those that were helpful on this board !!!!!!!!!.
The engine was slowing down last weekend and I decided to replace the secondary and main filt.
1. the secondary had very little fuel in the bowl upon removal, which meant the primary was starving it.
2. it was neccessary t remove the filter fron its bracket before access could be obtained
3 the primary was so clogged you could not blow air thru it! its cartridege cost $8.00
it is a fram tyoe.
replace all and all it fine.
Lesson when buying ab boat make sure you replace all the filts etc and start at ground zero with your ships log.
Question how difficult is it to repl the water pum impeller on this engine?
fuel filt
Moderator: Jim Walsh