Typhoon Drainage Holes in Teak Railing

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Typhoon Drainage Holes in Teak Railing

Post by GO'Meara »

I had new teak rails put on my Typhoon Weekender. The yard did not put in the drainage holes. My manual does not address this issue. As I recall the rails had two drainage holes. I am hoping somebody can tell me the spot for the correct placement, e.g. 24" & 28" from the stern. Thank you.

Jonathan Dodge

Re: Typhoon Drainage Holes in Teak Railing

Post by Jonathan Dodge »

Is you boat in the water?? If so I would dump a gallon of water on your deck and see where it pools?? Then drill your drain holes.

Jonathan Dodge
"Lion's Whelp"
1979 CD Typhoon
Lindstrom, MN

Jeffrey Clark

Re: Typhoon Drainage Holes in Teak Railing

Post by Jeffrey Clark »

AAARG! First, tell the yard manager that he has at least one idiot on his staff, maybe more. (I know this because I worked the yards for 14 years). Then tell him it is the yards responsibility to correct the problem at their expense. If they still have the original rails they will find several slots at the bottom of each rail towards the stern. Have them duplicate these slots in the new rails. Tell the manager you will not accept little holes as subtitutes nor will you accept drill or saw marks on your decks.

In the event the original rails were used as kindling to start a fire in the woodstove that heats the shop (billed to you at the standard rate of course) here are the specs for the slots. On my '79 there are three slots on each side 17, 34 and 57 inches from the stern. Each is 1-1/4 long by 1/4 inches high. The slots should taper slightly, that is they should be larger on the outboard side of the rail. This reduces plugging. Good luck

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