Typhoon mast tabernacle pin dimensions

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David Spaulding

Typhoon mast tabernacle pin dimensions

Post by David Spaulding »

Please don't ask why I need to know. Let's just say it involves mosquitos, sudden movements,launch day activities, and about 15 feet of water. Here's my question: anyone have either the dimensions of the pin in the tablernacle that is used to mount the mast on a Typhoon, or know a (re)source for replacement?

Thanks in advance.

Hobby Marine, Inc.

Re: Typhoon mast tabernacle pin dimensions

Post by Hobby Marine, Inc. »


I can provide this to you. Please call me on Friday ( I will be out of town a few days) and I can give you a price and delivery. This should be in stock. My phone # is 252-224-1600.


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