CD270 - 1984

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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CD270 - 1984

Post by Tom »

We have purchased a 1984 CD270. She is in beautiful shape except for moisture in the balsa core from the chain plates forward. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what did you do,patch it or replace the core and fiberglass deck? Did you do it or have it done at a boat yard? What should the cost be if it is done at a yard?

We would really appreciate feedback on this question.

Kate and Tom
Jeff Funston

Re: CD270 - 1984

Post by Jeff Funston »

Did you buy the one that was for sale up at gloucester point? There are several posts in the archives, Bill Goldsmith just gave some excellent advice if you want to try it yourself. Good luck with the boat, they are pretty

Re: CD270 - 1984

Post by Tom »

Yes, I did buy the one at Gloucester Point. She is pretty, isn't she?. When did you see her?
Jeff Funston

Re: CD270 - 1984

Post by Jeff Funston »

I did not make it up there, I was going to run up (From Norfolk) but the deal pending status came on before I had a chance. From the pic'c I saw it looks like a beautiful boat, and that 3 foot draft should serve you well on the York and Mobjack! Send me an email and let me know what you do about the wet core.

Re: CD270 - 1984

Post by Tom »

Eventually we are going to have the deck redone. Possibly early next spring. We will let you know.

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