I came across a Ty for sale in reasonable shape. However, the lower rear edge of the rudder has delaminated and is actually open.
I'm not afraid of little work, but was wondering just how "little" we are talking about here.
Anybody have any experience at this kind of repair before? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance Sean
How hard to repair TY rudder thats delaminated?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: How hard to repair TY rudder thats delaminated?
Hi Sean, if you could ground away the delaminated area from just one side so that you do not lose the shape of the rudder (4.5in 36Grit grinding pad works well). Then fill it back in w/vinylester or polyester resin mixed w/chopped (fiberglass) fiber (vinylester is prefered hard to find).
After curing, sand then add a piece of cloth(soaked w/resin) sand again finish off w/fairing compound (marine filler) I'm just finishing restoring 1967 TY Hull #6
After curing, sand then add a piece of cloth(soaked w/resin) sand again finish off w/fairing compound (marine filler) I'm just finishing restoring 1967 TY Hull #6
Re: How hard to repair TY rudder thats delaminated?
Hi John, Thnks for the info, I was hoping that it would be about this easy/hard. Saw the article in this month's GOB - didn't want to go that route..... Thanks again SeanJohn wrote: Hi Sean, if you could ground away the delaminated area from just one side so that you do not lose the shape of the rudder (4.5in 36Grit grinding pad works well). Then fill it back in w/vinylester or polyester resin mixed w/chopped (fiberglass) fiber (vinylester is prefered hard to find).
After curing, sand then add a piece of cloth(soaked w/resin) sand again finish off w/fairing compound (marine filler) I'm just finishing restoring 1967 TY Hull #6