Is a CD33 sloop good for off-shore?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Robert Clark

Is a CD33 sloop good for off-shore?

Post by Robert Clark »

Hi! My spouse and I are seriously considering buying a CD33 sloop. We want to circumnavigate. Is the CD33 a good off-shore boat?
Tom Coons

Re: Is a CD33 sloop good for off-shore?

Post by Tom Coons »

Robert Clark wrote: Hi! My spouse and I are seriously considering buying a CD33 sloop. We want to circumnavigate. Is the CD33 a good off-shore boat?

Robert: Your question puzzles me a little. If you're considering a circumnavigation surely you've looked into boats enough to know that Cape Dorys are some of the premier offshore boats made in America. Carl Alberg, the designer, was a world famous designer. Cape Dory, the builder, was/is famous for the quality of the construction. We all own them because we think they are superb. If you want to hear bad things about Cape Dorys you've got to go to some other website. I've never heard anything bad about Cape Dorys even from non-owners, except -- they sure cost a lot. Well quality remains long after......and all that.
I wonder if your question really is: Are they more suitable than a Westsail or a CD 36 or some other boat? The answer to that is more complicated and we'd need to know more about your experience, age, intentions, lifestyle (are you interested in 300 feet of heavy duty chain and good engine access or rather an agile sailer with lots of bags of sails and a big cockpit for entertaining guests?

As you know, all boats are trade offs. No boat is perfect for everbody. What are the things that are important to you (i.e., what trade off do you want to make). The answer to that would enable us to spout about our views and whether the CD 33 is the best chice for you. Why are you considering a CD 33 over a CD 36 or a CD31 or a Westsail 32? Each has advantages, all are good boats depending upon your needs and desires.
Derek Hillen

Re: Is a CD33 sloop good for off-shore?

Post by Derek Hillen »

Robert Clark wrote: Hi! My spouse and I are seriously considering buying a CD33 sloop. We want to circumnavigate. Is the CD33 a good off-shore boat?
I think she is and I am planning just that. Departure set for August.


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