Typhoon Adjustable Motor Bracket Mounting

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Typhoon Adjustable Motor Bracket Mounting

Post by Hank »

Has any one used a standard adjustable bracket mounted on a wooden brace? I would appreciate it if someone would let me know what the angle is so that I can cut & drill the appropriate brace before I get there. (My Typhoon is still in non-accessible storage.)
I have a 4HP long shaft. Previous owner suggested replacing the corroded mount with an adjustable.
Thank you.

Bristol Bronze

Re: Typhoon Adjustable Motor Bracket Mounting

Post by Bristol Bronze »

Hank wrote: Has any one used a standard adjustable bracket mounted on a wooden brace? I would appreciate it if someone would let me know what the angle is so that I can cut & drill the appropriate brace before I get there. (My Typhoon is still in non-accessible storage.)
I have a 4HP long shaft. Previous owner suggested replacing the corroded mount with an adjustable.
Thank you.
Dear Hank,

You would probably be better served with the standard Bronze motor bracket that all Typhoons came with. Bristol Bronze makes the later model and it works very well. It does not mount permanently on the transome as the adjustable one does and therefore can be removed when not in use. That way you won't foul your main sheet around it and some other boater will not cut your stern too close and take your motor off. The only thing that remains in place with the removeable Bronze bracket is a small base plate attached to the after deck.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze

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