Cape Dory Letter of Marque

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Dave Stump

Cape Dory Letter of Marque

Post by Dave Stump »


<H2><CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Prize Money Awaits!</FONT></CENTER></H2>

<H3>My LADS,</H3>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">American Merchant shipping awaits to be taken in such abundance as may never occur again.
Prize money enough to establish a man for life
is for the taking, with attention paid before all is captured.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE="+1">The Flying Cape Dorys</FONT></B></CENTER>

<CENTER><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE="+1">Of the New England Fleet</FONT></B></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Out of <A HREF=" ... l">Shelter Island</A> and <A HREF=" ... apatree</A> bound for <A HREF=" ... tml">Block Island</A></FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Are uncommonly fine Cutters, Sloops
and Ketches,
built on purpose. And ready for an EXPEDITION,
as soon as some more good Hands are on board;</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Various Captains command these vessels.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">The sooner you are on board the better.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">None need to <A HREF=" ... egister</A>,
but SEAMAN, or Stout Hands,
able to rouse about the cannon, hand, reef, steer and carry a six pack of grog,
without stopping, for at least three miles.</FONT></CENTER>

<H2><CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Rendezvous, at Smuggler's Cove
Block Island, July 19th at 1800 hours.</FONT></CENTER></H2>

<H3 ALIGN=RIGHT>Nautical Traditions Officer</H3>


<B><I><FONT SIZE="+2">Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association Inc.</FONT></I></B></CENTER>
Catherine Monaghan

Please register soon so we can order the T-shirts

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<FONT SIZE="+1">Anyone planning on attending <A HREF=" ... ents"><IMG SRC=" ... r.gif"></A> should register BEFORE July 1st so that we can send our event T-shirt order to the manufacturer AND so that you can avoid paying any late fees. We also need a final headcount for the restaurant.</FONT>

<FONT SIZE="+1">If you plan on participating in any portion, or all, of the Rendezvous segments (<A HREF=" ... l">Shelter Island</A>, <A HREF=" ... apatree</A> and/or <A HREF=" ... tml">Block Island</A>), you need to register and pay the entry fee.</FONT>

Re: Cape Dory Letter of Marque

Post by zeida »

Madness has no limits!... I see this mental condition has invaded the CapeDorians of the Northeast fleet. We sailors from the Southeast can only follow via e-mail what promises to be a fun-filled, very crazy rendezvous and turn green with envy. We expect to see PLENTY of pictures of this epic gathering!

Zeida Cecilia-Mendez
Captain (I love my new title)
CD-33 "Bandolera II" (Best boat in fleet)
Larry DeMers

Re: Cape Dory Letter of Marque

Post by Larry DeMers »

I have to admit that this is the first time I have actually caught myself trying to figure how long it would take me to get DeLaMer out to the coast..see, I have this 6 weeks of paid sabbatical starting Friday..and we were going to Canada..have the charts, CANPASS, and re-entry sticker..but jeesh, this sounds like a lot of fun too!

Well Captains, down a grog in my stead..I shall do the same in yours.

godspeed and have a great trip,

Larry DeMers
Co-Captain of
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Sailing Lake Superior~~~
Dave Stump wrote: <CENTER><IMG SRC=""</CENTER>

<H2><CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Remember..even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there</FONT></CENTER></H2>

<H3>My LADS,</H3>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">American Merchant shipping awaits to be taken in such abundance as may never occur again.
Prize money enough to establish a man for life
is for the taking, with attention paid before all is captured.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE="+1">The Flying Cape Dorys</FONT></B></CENTER>

<CENTER><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE="+1">Of the New England Fleet</FONT></B></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Out of <A HREF=" ... l">Shelter Island</A> and <A HREF=" ... apatree</A> bound for <A HREF=" ... tml">Block Island</A></FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Are uncommonly fine Cutters, Sloops
and Ketches,
built on purpose. And ready for an EXPEDITION,
as soon as some more good Hands are on board;</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Various Captains command these vessels.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">The sooner you are on board the better.</FONT></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">None need to <A HREF=" ... egister</A>,
Dave Stump wrote: but SEAMAN, or Stout Hands,
able to rouse about the cannon, hand, reef, steer and carry a six pack of grog,
without stopping, for at least three miles.</FONT></CENTER>

<H2><CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Rendezvous, at Smuggler's Cove
Block Island, July 19th at 1800 hours.</FONT></CENTER></H2>

<H3 ALIGN=RIGHT>Nautical Traditions Officer</H3>


<B><I><FONT SIZE="+2">Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association Inc.</FONT></I></B></CENTER>
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: DeLaMer may come...from Superior!

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Cecilia-Mendez,

Larry Demers just wrote and said he was thinking of leaving Lake Superior bound for Napatree via the St. Lawerance Seaway. We would love to have Bandolera II and crew at the randevous also. Larry does have six weeks to do it, so time isn't an issue, but it would be great to meet him and the Captain of Bandolera II also. So, if ya can, make sail!

Good point about pictures, I will post a note soon requiring all Captain's to have a camera on board, imagine what THAT will produce!!

Fair winds.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Larry DeMers

Re: DeLaMer may come...from Superior!

Post by Larry DeMers »

Capt. Dave and all,

Well I posed this possible course correction to my co-captain and was nixed right away. She wants to relaxe and see the north shore of Superior, since we do have a video project up there to complete, which will pay big dividends once it is finsihed (if it ever does get done..2years already into it). So it does appear that we will have to think of the gathering Napatree flotilla at sundowner time, offering a traditional 'Skol'.

But I gotta say I am sorely tempted. What a neat trip it would be.

Cheers and Salut',

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Cecilia-Mendez,

Larry Demers just wrote and said he was thinking of leaving Lake Superior bound for Napatree via the St. Lawerance Seaway. We would love to have Bandolera II and crew at the randevous also. Larry does have six weeks to do it, so time isn't an issue, but it would be great to meet him and the Captain of Bandolera II also. So, if ya can, make sail!

Good point about pictures, I will post a note soon requiring all Captain's to have a camera on board, imagine what THAT will produce!!

Fair winds.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Don't need to bring boat -- just come!

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Hey guys, if you cannot sail your own boats to the rendezvous you can come by train, plane or automobile! We'll add you as crew aboard one of the other participating boats. Realization will be taking on 2 additional crew (one from NY and one from RI), and Heather Ann will also be taking on 2 (one from OK and one from GA). I'm sure we'll be able to find room for you too.


Larry DeMers wrote: Capt. Dave and all,

Well I posed this possible course correction to my co-captain and was nixed right away. She wants to relaxe and see the north shore of Superior, since we do have a video project up there to complete, which will pay big dividends once it is finsihed (if it ever does get done..2years already into it). So it does appear that we will have to think of the gathering Napatree flotilla at sundowner time, offering a traditional 'Skol'.

But I gotta say I am sorely tempted. What a neat trip it would be.

Cheers and Salut',

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Cecilia-Mendez,

Larry Demers just wrote and said he was thinking of leaving Lake Superior bound for Napatree via the St. Lawerance Seaway. We would love to have Bandolera II and crew at the randevous also. Larry does have six weeks to do it, so time isn't an issue, but it would be great to meet him and the Captain of Bandolera II also. So, if ya can, make sail!

Good point about pictures, I will post a note soon requiring all Captain's to have a camera on board, imagine what THAT will produce!!

Fair winds.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Check out last year's rendezvous photos

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<a href=" ... 00">Photos of Cape Dory Rendezvous 2000</a> hosted by the Northeast Fleet of the CDSOA, Inc.


zeida wrote: Madness has no limits!... I see this mental condition has invaded the CapeDorians of the Northeast fleet. We sailors from the Southeast can only follow via e-mail what promises to be a fun-filled, very crazy rendezvous and turn green with envy. We expect to see PLENTY of pictures of this epic gathering!

Zeida Cecilia-Mendez
Captain (I love my new title)
CD-33 "Bandolera II" (Best boat in fleet)
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Has Bruce been appointed....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Just wondering, has Bruce been appointed the Official Fleet Photographer for this years randevous? Sounds like we really need another officer in the fleet!!

Dave Potts

US Code: Title 33, Chapter 7, Sections 385 & 386

Post by Dave Potts »

A friend of mine is coordinating the J24 Fleet 43 cruise in Casco Bay, Maine, in the rules for which he stipulates being governed by <a href=>US Code: Title 33, Chapter 7, Section 385</a>. In looking up the US Code, I thought it to be rather appropriate here! I can't make it down to join you southerners at Block Island, but I'm still hopeful I can work it in to partake in the 2001 Cruise to Maine.

Dave Potts
Andronikos CD-30
Casco Bay, ME

US Code: Title 33, Chapter 7

Sec. 385. Seizure and condemnation of vessels fitted out for piracy

Any vessel built, purchased, fitted out in whole or in part, or held for the purpose of being employed in the commission of any piratical aggression, search, restraint, depredation, or seizure, or in the commission of any other act of piracy, as defined by the law of nations, shall be liable to be captured and brought into any port of the United States if found upon the high seas, or to be seized if found in any port or place within the United States, whether the same shall have actually sailed upon any piratical expedition or not, and whether any act of piracy shall have been committed or attempted upon or from such vessel or not; and any such vessel may be adjudged and condemned, if captured by a vessel authorized as mentioned in section 386 of this title to the use of the United States, and to that of the captors, and if seized by a collector, surveyor, or marshal, then to the use of the United States.

Sec. 386. Commissioning private vessels for seizure of piratical vessels

The President is authorized to instruct the commanders of the public-armed vessels of the United States, and to authorize the commanders of any other armed vessels sailing under the authority of any letters of marque and reprisal granted by Congress, or the commanders of any other suitable vessels, to subdue, seize, take, and, if on the high seas, to send into any port of the United States, any vessel or boat built, purchased, fitted out, or held as mentioned in section 385 of this title.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Potts,

Ah, come on! Actually Hanalei is documented, and could be issued a letter of margue to go after the pirates! But, again, this is all in fun, and none of us are armed as far as I know. Any other Captains reading this, if you are armed, LEAVE YOUR GUNS AT HOME, PLEASE!

Dave, this is really fun. Sorry you won't be able to make it to Block Island, you and your humor will be missed!

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Bob Luby

Re: DeLaMer may come...from Superior!

Post by Bob Luby »

Remember- you don't have to go the long way round.
What about the Erie canal?

The Hudson is beautiful - even if you have to watch out for the fish.
Mark Yashinsky

Then raise the White Flag of Surrender...

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

and pledge you, your crew, and your ship in helping the Americain colonists overthrowing this oppresive yoke of King George III.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Look at posting above...

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

There is a posting above that is an "Invitation to all Brave Seaman and Marines" that should put this silly thread to rest. BOTH American colonists AND those of us that read a lot about the British ARE invited. The invitation also includes Cape Dory POWER boats! No one is excluded and all ARE represented!

And Mark, you are correct, you do not have to be a Cape Dory owner to post on this board. Anyones' insight can at times be useful to the members. However, if you wish to attend the rondevous, it would be a good idea to register with Catherine or you will suffer her wrath!

What vessel do you sail exactly? A comparison might be interesting.

Nautical Traditions Officer
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Rendezvous Photographers

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

We have several photographers: Bruce Halley, Bill Slater and Michael Heintz. A couple others volunteered to be rendezvous photographers but they haven't registered so I don't know if they'll be there or not. But the three mentioned should be enough.

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Catherine,

Just wondering, has Bruce been appointed the Official Fleet Photographer for this years randevous? Sounds like we really need another officer in the fleet!!

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