Designated Title "Captain"

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Re: Designated Title "Captain"

Post by Bill » true so true.....


M. R. Bober wrote: Strange things happen to grown men when the lad at fuel dock addresses them as "Captain." Take note: lest your head ache from the tightness of your old cap.
Mitchell Bober
Larry DeMers

Re: Articles of War...

Post by Larry DeMers »


This is the most entertaining thread I have seen in some time, and I must say it caused me to dig out "Post Captain" (Ransom?)and start to reread it again. Sorry if I did not get the author right..been a few years since I was into the nautical history. My reading time has been taken up by heat loss tangents, and ice box insulation research lately.

Boring for certain..but the ice box conversion to refrigerator/freezer is working fantasticly, and drawing only 20 ah/day with NO insulation yet (this Saturday will be spittin' that stuff into the voids).

Cheers and a grog or two (mindful of Article 2 of course),

Captains DeMers (Jan and Larry)
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Michael,

Appreciate your last and the suggestions, but the Articles of War from 1757 were 36! in number! If I kept people from their grog while I read all of them I would find myself at the grate in the morning!

However, there may be a few that ARE pertinent to the fleet:

Article 2. All flag officers, and all persons in or belonging to the fleet, being guilty of PROFANE OATHS, CURSINGS, DRUNKENNESS OR OTHER SCANDALOUS ACTIONS, shall incur such punsihment as a court martial shall think fit to impose.

Yeh, sure, NONE of our Captains or crews would be guilty of Article 2!

Article 9. If any vessel be taken as prize, none of the officers, mariners, or other persons on board of her, SHALL BE STRIPPED OF THEIR CLOTHES, persons so offending shall be liable to punishment as a court martial shall think fit.

Yeh, right, we wouldn't do THAT would we?

Article 21. If any person in the fleet shall find cause of COMPLAINT of the UNWHOESOMENESS OF THE VICTUAL(food), or shall attempt to stir up any DISTURBANCE, shall suffer such punishment as a court martial shall think fit!

Would we complain about the food at Smugglers' Cove? Nah, I didn't think so!!! Cause a DISTURBANCE, Nah, not that either!

Thought you'd get a kick out of this. Can't wait for the July events....I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Articles of War...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Oh boy, Dave is really gonna get you on this one. "Post Captain" is one of the Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brien. I think he has them all memorized.

Arthur Ransome (if he is who you were thinking of) wrote the "Swallows and Amazons" series of books.

Hope you can avoid a flogging.


Larry DeMers wrote: Captains,

This is the most entertaining thread I have seen in some time, and I must say it caused me to dig out "Post Captain" (Ransom?)and start to reread it again. Sorry if I did not get the author right..been a few years since I was into the nautical history. My reading time has been taken up by heat loss tangents, and ice box insulation research lately.

Boring for certain..but the ice box conversion to refrigerator/freezer is working fantasticly, and drawing only 20 ah/day with NO insulation yet (this Saturday will be spittin' that stuff into the voids).

Cheers and a grog or two (mindful of Article 2 of course),

Captains DeMers (Jan and Larry)
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Michael,

Appreciate your last and the suggestions, but the Articles of War from 1757 were 36! in number! If I kept people from their grog while I read all of them I would find myself at the grate in the morning!

However, there may be a few that ARE pertinent to the fleet:

Article 2. All flag officers, and all persons in or belonging to the fleet, being guilty of PROFANE OATHS, CURSINGS, DRUNKENNESS OR OTHER SCANDALOUS ACTIONS, shall incur such punsihment as a court martial shall think fit to impose.

Yeh, sure, NONE of our Captains or crews would be guilty of Article 2!

Article 9. If any vessel be taken as prize, none of the officers, mariners, or other persons on board of her, SHALL BE STRIPPED OF THEIR CLOTHES, persons so offending shall be liable to punishment as a court martial shall think fit.

Yeh, right, we wouldn't do THAT would we?

Article 21. If any person in the fleet shall find cause of COMPLAINT of the UNWHOESOMENESS OF THE VICTUAL(food), or shall attempt to stir up any DISTURBANCE, shall suffer such punishment as a court martial shall think fit!

Would we complain about the food at Smugglers' Cove? Nah, I didn't think so!!! Cause a DISTURBANCE, Nah, not that either!

Thought you'd get a kick out of this. Can't wait for the July events....I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Mark Yashinsky

And where is written...

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

That one must command a Cape Dory to view and write on this board??? No where have tried to mislead you into thinking this. Does that mean access is restricted to only the privledged few. Sounds much like what King George III is doing to these Colonies in the New World, NO REPRESENTATION.
I am serving notice to all, that Captain Stump of the Hanalei has clearly stated that his loyalties lie with King George III and his oppressive rule. He also clearly states that all American shipping is available for plunder by the Flying Cape Dory's of the New England Fleet. I cannot believe that all New England Cape Dory's have their allegiance to the King. I know of one Cape Dorian on the Hudson who is Vice Commodore in the Continental Navy, so I know there are those who wish to free themselves from this tyranny. Others, of the New England Fleet need to follow this fine example!
Mark Yashinsky

Another Captain loyal to King George III

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Me thinks that Captain Heintz of the ship, Macht Nichts, is also loyal King George III and warn off all colonist from him.
Warren Stringer

Re: And where is written...

Post by Warren Stringer »

Mark Yashinsky wrote: I am serving notice to all, that Captain Stump of the Hanalei has clearly stated that his loyalties lie with King George III and his oppressive rule....I know of one Cape Dorian on the Hudson who is Vice Commodore in the Continental Navy, so I know there are those who wish to free themselves from this tyranny. Others, of the New England Fleet need to follow this fine example!
The lines of battle are drawn. Cape Dory and Cape Tory, rally to your standards!!
Warren Stringer

Re: Articles of War...

Post by Warren Stringer »

Cathy, better bring some British flags for the Cape Tories to fly.

Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: No flogging, but.....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Catherine & Larry,

If there is a "Nutmeg of Consolation" in this thread, yes, Patrick O'Brian did write "Post Captain" along with a lot of other stories, including "Captain and Commander", "HMS Surprise" etc. He is a great author, in my humble opinion, and is a very easy read for anyone with an penchant for the sea. Try him, you"ll like him!

Dave Stump

P.S. There is a "Post Captain" with authors O'Brian AND Brown, that I am not familiar with.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Got one,,,,but...

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »


It will be flown UNDER the U.S. Ensign, indicating a capture and prize. After all, we did BEAT the British years ago!

Bill Goldsmith

Re: And where is written...

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

Well folkes, I can certainly vouche for Mark Yashinsky's right to post on this board, as he has more than a passing interest and experience with at least one Cape Dory (mine). He was shanghaied by a certain "Captain" (me) of a certain Cape Dory 27 (Second Chance) and pressed into service to assist in the delivery of said vessel in 1998. A "Publick Recorde" of this voyage is contained in the January 2000 edition of Soundings (Long Island Sounde Edition). Maybe I'll get permission from Soundings to post a copy of it here,

Since thenne, and Whilst I have long valued his assistance and services as everything from Mechanick, Bosun, diesel technicianne, painter, electrician, barrier coater, rigger, helmsman, navigator and Master of the Brigge (for unruly children) (anything else I missed?), I cannot vouch for (nor even understand) his politicks. Therefore, do not fyre upon Second Chance if she should be seen plying the waters of the great Hudson, NY Harbor, LI Sound or Beyonde!

Would love to come to the Rendezvous, but cannot seem to "Block" out the time (pun intended).

Bill Goldsmith
CAPTAIN and COMMANDER (boy that sounds nice)
CD27 #173
Second Chance
Catherine Monaghan

Re: A Tory and a Hessian too!!

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I'm laughing out loud at my desk here at work. People are beginning to think I've lost three sheets to the wind!

Anyway, I've tried to show our Nautical Traditions Officer the error of his ways. I thought that John Paul Jones would make a much better role model than Jack Aubrey and have attempted to sway him.

The Captain of the Fleet is retired from the Continental Navy as well and may be most interested to hear that his two lieutenants may be traitors to the colonies: one a Tory and the other a Hessian!

Wouldn't it be a surprise if the rest of fleet captured Hanalei and Machts Nichts as the fleet entered the harbor at Napatree -- oops, I just let the cat out of the bag. Before entering the channel we could send the marines ashore to fire the guns on them from Fort Mansfield at Napatree Point. Then I'm sure they'll surrender as they see the fleet round the point.

Realization is also documented and eligible to carry Letters of Marque for the colonies. And Hanalei and Machts Nichts would make fine prizes. Anyone would be proud to present such fine prizes to the Commodore in Maryland once the blockade has been lifted. Of course if the British recognize these vessels as their own allies they may mistakenly let us make passage.

Will you be joining us for the rendezvous?


Mark Yashinsky wrote: That one must command a Cape Dory to view and write on this board??? No where have tried to mislead you into thinking this. Does that mean access is restricted to only the privledged few. Sounds much like what King George III is doing to these Colonies in the New World, NO REPRESENTATION.
I am serving notice to all, that Captain Stump of the Hanalei has clearly stated that his loyalties lie with King George III and his oppressive rule. He also clearly states that all American shipping is available for plunder by the Flying Cape Dory's of the New England Fleet. I cannot believe that all New England Cape Dory's have their allegiance to the King. I know of one Cape Dorian on the Hudson who is Vice Commodore in the Continental Navy, so I know there are those who wish to free themselves from this tyranny. Others, of the New England Fleet need to follow this fine example!
Mark Yashinsky

I am honoured Mi Lady, but alass I cannot...

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

for I should have just returned from a secret (mums the word) mission to the Land of King George III. The Vice Commodore (Captain Goldsmith)is urging that we go together to meet with our Navy and Army forces at Block Island. He is also suggesting bringing new recruits for our forces there. I fear, however, that that the trip across the Atlantic will take much from me and need to recover, plan and, as always, keep a watchful eye out for agents of the King.
Larry DeMers

Re: Articles of War...

Post by Larry DeMers »

Lady Catherine,

Well, I was worried about that attribution..knew it was shaky..damn, now I gotta watch my stern quarters more carefully. Ai, but I have an's my home waters. Me thinks that Captain Stump will not seek retribution knowing the horrors and tribulations one experiences in these waters, and will stay well east of me.
But we will mount a watch none the less.


Captains Jan and Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~now equipped with water cannon~~~

Catherine Monaghan wrote: Larry,

Oh boy, Dave is really gonna get you on this one. "Post Captain" is one of the Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brien. I think he has them all memorized.

Arthur Ransome (if he is who you were thinking of) wrote the "Swallows and Amazons" series of books.

Hope you can avoid a flogging.


Larry DeMers wrote: Captains,

This is the most entertaining thread I have seen in some time, and I must say it caused me to dig out "Post Captain" (Ransom?)and start to reread it again. Sorry if I did not get the author right..been a few years since I was into the nautical history. My reading time has been taken up by heat loss tangents, and ice box insulation research lately.

Boring for certain..but the ice box conversion to refrigerator/freezer is working fantasticly, and drawing only 20 ah/day with NO insulation yet (this Saturday will be spittin' that stuff into the voids).

Cheers and a grog or two (mindful of Article 2 of course),

Captains DeMers (Jan and Larry)
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Larry DeMers wrote:
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Michael,

Appreciate your last and the suggestions, but the Articles of War from 1757 were 36! in number! If I kept people from their grog while I read all of them I would find myself at the grate in the morning!

However, there may be a few that ARE pertinent to the fleet:

Article 2. All flag officers, and all persons in or belonging to the fleet, being guilty of PROFANE OATHS, CURSINGS, DRUNKENNESS OR OTHER SCANDALOUS ACTIONS, shall incur such punsihment as a court martial shall think fit to impose.

Yeh, sure, NONE of our Captains or crews would be guilty of Article 2!

Article 9. If any vessel be taken as prize, none of the officers, mariners, or other persons on board of her, SHALL BE STRIPPED OF THEIR CLOTHES, persons so offending shall be liable to punishment as a court martial shall think fit.

Yeh, right, we wouldn't do THAT would we?

Article 21. If any person in the fleet shall find cause of COMPLAINT of the UNWHOESOMENESS OF THE VICTUAL(food), or shall attempt to stir up any DISTURBANCE, shall suffer such punishment as a court martial shall think fit!

Would we complain about the food at Smugglers' Cove? Nah, I didn't think so!!! Cause a DISTURBANCE, Nah, not that either!

Thought you'd get a kick out of this. Can't wait for the July events....I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Our fastest Frigate leaves at falling tide..

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

A colonial spy on the way to England! Ha! Gonna get'cha! Our fastest Frigate, HMS Surprise, is bound for England at the next falling tide, with dispatches for the Admirality. She is manned by a crew strong and true, and will warn WhiteHall of the coming presence of you, Sir! You will be taken to the Tower as soon as you place foot upon the hard!

D. Stump
Captain Commanding
Mark Yashinsky

And as a very old saying goes...

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

been there and done that (the Tower that is), and I am still around to talk about it.

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