The good folks at Armada informed me that they recommend 4-5 coats for boats on the Texas Gulf Coast instead of the 3 instructed on the can. Why was I calling them, you ask? About 18 hours after my 2nd coat Alicia hit me dead on. When the rain subsided I had water spots on all flat surfaces. Turns out I need to sand off the 2nd coat with 220 and reapply. Hurray!
It was an interesting experience climbing UP into my boat from a dock that was 8-10 in. under water while rain poured down in buckets SIDEWAYS. It was Alice in Wonderland. I didn’t know what I was going to see when I made it to the marina but this was not one of the many bad scenarios that I imagined. Luckily and oddly it didn’t bring much wind. There was only one boat with a cleat pulled out, another couple of inches of water though and there would have been big trouble for all of us.
Btw/The Armada job looks (looked) wonderful. Exactly as I had hoped.
Jim Adams
Lauren Leigh
CD30 Houston, Texas
Armada info for Texas and fun with Tropical Storm Alicia
Moderator: Jim Walsh