Mast base plate - temporary

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Stop your grog....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Heintz,

Your explanation has been accepted by the quarter deck, but, the offense has been noted and instead of a flogging, stopping your grog for a week is appropriate according to the Articles of War. I mean for so minor an offense, if we flogged every seaman that did what you did, none of them would have a back left....and a mutiny might arize!

Turn to Captain, and have a nice cruise...I remain...your most humble servant...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Catheirne Monaghan

Re: Help me I can't stop laughing

Post by Catheirne Monaghan »

You guys crack me up! Hope I don't have to be keel hauled.

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Madam Captain,

It is good that you clarified your actions to the quarter deck. The Bosuns' Mate was at the grog last night anyway, so could probably NOT apply the 'Cat with the proper vigor as would befit the crime.

I can't wait to look at what John Vigor's reply is to my last post below....Fair winds...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Michael Heintz

You may be laughing...But I'm without me GROG

Post by Michael Heintz »

To think Catherine...... It all started just because of some deck clutter.... :-)
Michael Heintz

You may be laughing...But I'm without me GROG

Post by Michael Heintz »

To think Catherine...... It all started just because of some deck clutter.... :-)
Larry Austin

I like that cluttered look!

Post by Larry Austin »

I kinda liked all that clutter on Catherine's boat,,,it has that "yachty" look. In fact I went down to my boat today and tied some lines that I usally keep in my locker on to the lifelines, etc. I even changed some of my knots!! :-)

On a more serious note,,,My downhaul: I've seen some them atached with the cam cleat at the mast base and I've seen some with the cam cleat up at the boom end. Is there an advantage to either way?


Larry Austin
Larry Austin


Post by Larry Austin »

just wanted to mention that I keep the cam cleat end at the mast base because I always know where the control line is. I just happen to notice about a 3rd of the boats at the marina have the cam cleat up at the boom end....was just woundering...

Larry Austin
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