Md7a part availability

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Jody Kaplan

Md7a part availability

Post by Jody Kaplan »

Hello All, my cooling pipe that runs from manifold to thermostat housing is contorted and leaking (from a somewhat sloppy reassembly of manifold etc.). Is there a good current source for one ,suggestions . Jody K . (Cygnus) Good Tidings

Re: Md7a part availability

Post by brian »

Jody Kaplan wrote: Hello All, my cooling pipe that runs from manifold to thermostat housing is contorted and leaking (from a somewhat sloppy reassembly of manifold etc.). Is there a good current source for one ,suggestions . Jody K . (Cygnus) Good Tidings
I'm actually having the same problem. Going to call Oars Island Boat Works in Oars Island ME. They have been very helpful in the past and have good turn around time-usually ship the same day.

Good Luck.

Re: Md7a part availability

Post by Denny »

I had a similar problem, except I threw my cooling water tube out with the trash unintentially while cleaning up my exhaust manifold. I ordered a replacement from volvo parts at an unreasonable price and after waiting 2 weeks the new tube fitting did not fit. I got a refund. But, then decided to fabricate a new part myself.

Any I made a new tubing assembly from 3/8" SS tubing, a 3/8" SS compression Tee with 3/8" NPT threaded bull (standard Swagelock fitting), and a compression ferrel for a gasket shoulder at the thermosat housing. With the Exhaust manifold removed, I cut 3/8" NPT threads into the manifold for the Tee fitting which as I can remember was still loose. Therefore I epoxyed the threads into the manifold with black MarineTex epoxy. The standing end running to the water pump was cut short with a small bend and a short rubber fuel hose with hose clamps made the connection to the water pump. The standard rubber gasket ring to the thermosat housing was used sealing the tubing connection. A cripped ferrel turned backwards and sealed with epoxy acted as a a shoulder for the gasket. You will need to measure carefully.

Anyway its has worked fine, Its been 6 years plus with no leakage at all. I can still remove the thermosat housing without any problem for PM maintenance. Only difference is that the tubing assembly is now a semi-permanent part of the exhaust manifold.

Good luck, hope this helps.
PS, the tubing and fitting may have been 1/2"; I can't remember.
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