Greetings all, I am presently making a bid on a Cape Dory Ty, one I
have not seen in print. Perhaps someone could give me some insite on this boat. I've seen the pics and drawings of the Ty daysailer, but the one I am after does not share the cuddy of the daysailer, instead the cockpit is open past the mast. It is a 1977 model, in resonable
shape, with only main and jib, which the jib appears to be self tending. Any and all comments on this boat would be greatly appreciated.
Cape Dory Ty
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Cape Dory Ty
I am not a Ty owner but there's a Ty just like the one you describe on the hard at my Yacht Club. It is completely open and therefore has a HUGE cockpit--it almost looks like you could take the New York Yankees out for a daysail. Plus the benches are nice and deep inside so it seems that it would be very safe for taking kids out. Another advantage is the keel-stepped mast--some Ty owners with deck-stepped masts have reported compression of the cabin top which would not be an issue on the open daysailer version.
The disadvantage is that there is no cuddy for storage or refuge from the weather or a portapotty--it is truly a daysailer (there may be storage compartments--I am not that familiar with the design).
Best of luck
Bill Goldsmith
CD27 #173
Second Chance
I am not a Ty owner but there's a Ty just like the one you describe on the hard at my Yacht Club. It is completely open and therefore has a HUGE cockpit--it almost looks like you could take the New York Yankees out for a daysail. Plus the benches are nice and deep inside so it seems that it would be very safe for taking kids out. Another advantage is the keel-stepped mast--some Ty owners with deck-stepped masts have reported compression of the cabin top which would not be an issue on the open daysailer version.
The disadvantage is that there is no cuddy for storage or refuge from the weather or a portapotty--it is truly a daysailer (there may be storage compartments--I am not that familiar with the design).
Best of luck
Bill Goldsmith
CD27 #173
Second Chance
Shelby wrote: Greetings all, I am presently making a bid on a Cape Dory Ty, one I
have not seen in print. Perhaps someone could give me some insite on this boat. I've seen the pics and drawings of the Ty daysailer, but the one I am after does not share the cuddy of the daysailer, instead the cockpit is open past the mast. It is a 1977 model, in resonable
shape, with only main and jib, which the jib appears to be self tending. Any and all comments on this boat would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Cape Dory Ty
This is a belated response to your post of June 4. I am the owner of the Ty daysailer that Bill Goldsmith mentioned. I have hull No. 22 from 1975. My information is that of about 2200 Ty's made, only about eighty-some were daysailers and only about thirty-some had a completely open cockpit like my boat and the one you are looking at. Bill's description is accurate. The cockpit is huge and deep. However, it is not self-draining. Splashes from sailing and, unless you have a cockpit cover, rainwater end up in the bilge, which must be pumped from time to time. Storage space is quite limited, although there is a locker forward in which you can get the essentials -- anchor & rode, telescoping boathook, docklines and fenders, etc. and probably a sailbag. Our boat also has a self-tending jib, but it is not too large and I didn't like the boat's performance in light airs, so we added a 150% genoa. Our boat already had genoa tracks, but I had to add blocks and winches. There were winch pads already molded into the combings. We enjoy our boat very much. Good luck with yours if you proceed with the purchase.