I am in the process of building a nesting dinghy for my CD 28. It is 9 feet with a 4 foot beam, will row and sail, or you can use an outboard with it. It is of the nutshell design. I got the plans form B&B Yacht Design. They are on line at the following site
I am very happy with the design but I did make one VERY important design change with the way the two halves connect. B & B uses bolts with wingnuts to connect the halves. I don't think this is a good design because of having to aline a small hole and then there are the pieces that you know are going to be dropped over board at least once in a while. In place of this I used an idea from Dave Gear's book on boat design. He uses a machined keyhole slot combined with a threaded rod on the other half of the dink. These are part of the boat so there is nothing to lose and you have a big keyhole target to hit in place of a 1/4" hole. He uses this method on his 11 foot nesting desigh pram. I can say that when you tighten these down it is like the boat is one piece! They hold it tight. Sorry I can't remember what the title of Mr. Gear's book is but I'm sure you can find it in your library.
Hope this helps some.
Tom Vanco
Nesting Dinghy
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Nesting Dinghy
Sorry I can't remember what the title of Mr. Gear's book is but I'm sure you can find it in your library.
Dave Gerr, "The Nature of Boats." Excellent book.
Dave Gerr, "The Nature of Boats." Excellent book.