<B>Cape Dory Rendezvous 2001</B>, sponsored by the NE Fleet of the CDSOA Inc., is a <A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/events.h ... ts">series of events</A> which will take place over three days (17th, 18th and 19th of July) with the grand finale on Thursday evening at Smuggler's Cove near New Harbor, <A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... tml">Block Island</A>, RI.
First we'll meet around noon on the 17th at Shelter Island, NY. In the morning on the 18th we'll head for the Napatree, RI area as a flotilla. And on the 19th we'll all race to Block Island and end the evening with a barbecued dinner and awards ceremony at Smuggler's Cove.
To participate, please print and complete the <B>Registration Form</B> (<A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... ezForm.doc"> Microsoft Word</A> or <A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... ezForm.pdf"> PDF</A> versions) and be sure to indicate how many adult and child meals you'll need for the dinner/barbecue on the 19th. The entry fee for the Rendezvous is <B>$35.00/boat</B> (CDSOA members) or <B>$45.00/boat</B> (non-members) which also includes one Rendezvous 2001 T-shirt per boat. <B>Entries should be received before July 1st</B> otherwise we cannot guarantee a T-shirt.
The entry fees for registration forms mailed <B>after July 1st</B> are <B>$45.00/boat</B> (CDSOA members) or <B>$55.00/boat </B>(non-members).
We realize that some crews prefer to prepare their own meals onboard. So please be sure to indicate on the form that you'll be participating in "Rendezvous Celebration Block Isl." by placing a check in the checkbox provided on the Registration Form and write "None" in the space provided next to "Number of adult meals" and "Number of child meals", that way we'll know not to expect you for dinner or the awards ceremony.
The fees for dinner at Smuggler's Cove are <B>$38.00/adult</B> and <B>$19.00/child</B> 10 years of age or less.
If you'd like to purchase additional T-shirts for your crew, they're <B>$15.00 each</B>.
And all participants are invited to stay an extra day at Block Island, July 20th to get to know the other CD owners and their boats.
Any CDSOA, Inc. members or Cape Dory owners or wannabees (non-members), power or sail, desiring to participate in any of the Rendezvous events should <B>contact Michael Heintz</B>, e-mail <A HREF="mailto:MZenith@aol.com?Subject=CD Rendezvous 2001">MZenith@aol.com</A> or 203-838-7599; or Fleet Captain Leo MacDonald, e-mail <A HREF="mailto:macdore@aol.com?Subject=CD Rendezvous 2001">macdore@aol.com</A> or 860-859-9600.
<B>Please Read
Any Cape Dory owner planning on participating in any of the events, even if it's just one (e.g., the raft-up at Shelter Island) must complete a Registration Form and pay the entry fee.
<FONT COLOR="#999900">For those that are not able to sail their own vessels to any of the events but would still like to participate, we will make every effort to find crew berths on the participating vessels. If you'll be arriving without a boat, you'll still need to complete a Registration Form but you don't need to pay the entry fee. You will only need to pay for your meals and any Rendezvous T-shirts that you may want.</FONT></B>
For questions or information on getting involved in the Rendezvous as a volunteer contact Leo MacDonald at 860-859-9600 or via e-mail at <A HREF="mailto:macdore@aol.com?Subject=CD Rendezvous 2001">macdore@aol.com</A> or complete the <B>"Volunteer List"</B> section on the Rendezvous <B>Registration Form</B> (<A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... >Microsoft Word</A> or <A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... df">PDF</A> versions).
Please see the <B><A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/events.h ... nts</A></B> page for the current Rendezvous agenda.
For information on becoming part of the NE Fleet see the "<B><A HREF="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/index.ht ... 660">Fleet Information</A></B>."
Cape Dory Rendezvous 2001 -- Registration Information
Moderator: Jim Walsh
If you haven't attended one of these rendezvous, than you should. Much fun.
Let's sign up. Send in your dollars,(or gold coins) and get ready for fun & good company.
I will be there with my good and dear friend, Stephen Maturin.
"from the fo'c'sle to the quarterdeck", all will have fun.
Let's sign up. Send in your dollars,(or gold coins) and get ready for fun & good company.
I will be there with my good and dear friend, Stephen Maturin.
"from the fo'c'sle to the quarterdeck", all will have fun.