I remember reading the government was going to be shutting down loran beacons in th early 2000's. I haven't kept track, obviously, but has this happened yet?
Have Loran beacons been shut off?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: According to the Coast Guard......
Look at the Coast Guard web site for Radio Navigation. It states that loran will continue to be in short term operation until further notice. There was talk a year ago or so to discontinue it, but that has been put on hold. So, no, it has not been turned off!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Look at the Coast Guard web site for Radio Navigation. It states that loran will continue to be in short term operation until further notice. There was talk a year ago or so to discontinue it, but that has been put on hold. So, no, it has not been turned off!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Re: According to the Coast Guard......
hmmm. I was hoping this would explain why the loran is reading all zero's for lat and long. oh well.
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Brian,
Look at the Coast Guard web site for Radio Navigation. It states that loran will continue to be in short term operation until further notice. There was talk a year ago or so to discontinue it, but that has been put on hold. So, no, it has not been turned off!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Re: According to the Coast Guard......
Could be that your unit has lost its' original location. Try reinitalizing it, enter a lat and long. and see if it can find itself.
D. Stump
D. Stump