CD31 Binnacle disassembly

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Michael Soloway

CD31 Binnacle disassembly

Post by Michael Soloway »

I am installing a new gear shifter cable on a CD31 and I cannot figure out how to get inside the steering pedestal or binnacle to install the cable. Any help would be appreciated. I assume the compass has to come off somehow?

Re: CD31 Binnacle disassembly

Post by len »


i haven't had to replace the cable but have taken off the compass many times - mine is the ritchie globemaster - first you remove the black plastic piece that holds the light, it is held in with two little machine screws - then you lift off the stainless steel cover - that will expose the compass which is held in with 4 long machine bolts -

good luck

D. Stump, Hanalei


Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Go to Edsons' web site at the address above. They have the directions right there to help you through the whole thing....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Check this....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Wouldn't ya know it, right after I posted those other responses, I needed to turn Hanalei around in her slip so that I could finish the teak on that side. When backing her in to the slip, the gear shift cable failed. I followed my own advice, and logged onto In their FAQ section, they have the directions for removing the engine control cables from the binnacle. Worked like a charm, tells you all about that clamp nut, and how to pull the cables. All it takes is time, patience, and deft fingers(don't drop anything!). Print the FAQ and take it with you to the boat, a great reference.

Let me know how you make out. As it turned out, the gear shift cable parted just below the bronze clevis(you'll know what I mean when you take yours apart)and there was about 1/2" of thread left on the cable, so I didn't have to replace the cable, just rethread the clevis on to the cable.

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
michael soloway

edson. not!

Post by michael soloway »

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Dave,
I went through the Edson catalogue, and found them very helpful on the telephone. Figured out the party that I needed, even though it didn't sound right. Orderedit, paid for it, and received the wrtong part. Went through my original manual and found, lo and behold, that I do not have an Edson pedestal! It is a Merriman/Yacht Specialities and they are, of course, out of business. Finally took the clamp bracket to a machine shop, drilled out the set screw and altered it a bit, and used it again with the 3300 Teleflex cable. Ecerything is back together now, and it is shifting like velvet. It was certainly an adneture, though, and took 2 weeks of pretty constant digging. Thanks for yopur help. Hope it all worked for you. I have a CD31 and I think they all had Merriman pedestals.

Michael Soloway
Puffin CD#60
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