CD25 Broken Mast Question

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Bill Romeo

CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Bill Romeo »

Yesterday, in the boatyard's attempt to step our CD25's mast, they lost control of the mast while it was standing and the mast fell forward shearing the base pin right though the bottom of the mast. Specifically, when they were raising the mast they did not attach any of the shrouds and, as a result, when they lost control there was nothing to prevent the mast from falling forward. Since the mast step only hinges towards the aft, when the mast fell forward, the hinge pin remained in place and ripped the pin hole right through to the bottom of the mast. Now there is an open gash instead of a hole. The boatyard is suggesting that they may want to "cut" the mast down a couple of inches and drill new holes. I am somewhat skepical of this approach as it may affect the dynamics, etc. of the boat. In addition, the boom will then be a few inches lower. Does anyone have any suggestions to a potential fix to this problem or should I have the boatyard replace the whole mast? Could there be any other damage I should be concerned about? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ken Coit

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Ken Coit »


Surely they have insurance; if not, then they need a lesson in good business practices to go along with the one they got in stepping masts. It is a good thing no one was in the way. A shortened mast will lower the resale value of your boat considerably and probably be, as you point out, a pain to sail in the meantime. IMHO, you should get a new mast and seriously consider new rigging while you are at it.

Hardball Ken
S/V Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Bill Romeo wrote: Yesterday, in the boatyard's attempt to step our CD25's mast, they lost control of the mast while it was standing and the mast fell forward shearing the base pin right though the bottom of the mast. Specifically, when they were raising the mast they did not attach any of the shrouds and, as a result, when they lost control there was nothing to prevent the mast from falling forward. Since the mast step only hinges towards the aft, when the mast fell forward, the hinge pin remained in place and ripped the pin hole right through to the bottom of the mast. Now there is an open gash instead of a hole. The boatyard is suggesting that they may want to "cut" the mast down a couple of inches and drill new holes. I am somewhat skepical of this approach as it may affect the dynamics, etc. of the boat. In addition, the boom will then be a few inches lower. Does anyone have any suggestions to a potential fix to this problem or should I have the boatyard replace the whole mast? Could there be any other damage I should be concerned about? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Tom »

If the mast had been damaged due to your neglect then sure you might consider sawing it off and shortening things. Don't forget the turnbuckles now may bottom out trying to tighten the rig. But if the mast was damaged due to yard ineptitude why should you suffer because of that? I agree with Ken that you should insist on having things made right by the yard at their expense. I don't see this as playing "hardball" -- any respectable yard would know they have to make it right. Take pictures, get witnesses names etc. in case you have to go to small claims court. I wouldn't let them shorten my mast unless there was some big $$ compensation that went along with it.

Bill Romeo wrote: Yesterday, in the boatyard's attempt to step our CD25's mast, they lost control of the mast while it was standing and the mast fell forward shearing the base pin right though the bottom of the mast. Specifically, when they were raising the mast they did not attach any of the shrouds and, as a result, when they lost control there was nothing to prevent the mast from falling forward. Since the mast step only hinges towards the aft, when the mast fell forward, the hinge pin remained in place and ripped the pin hole right through to the bottom of the mast. Now there is an open gash instead of a hole. The boatyard is suggesting that they may want to "cut" the mast down a couple of inches and drill new holes. I am somewhat skepical of this approach as it may affect the dynamics, etc. of the boat. In addition, the boom will then be a few inches lower. Does anyone have any suggestions to a potential fix to this problem or should I have the boatyard replace the whole mast? Could there be any other damage I should be concerned about? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mark Tallon

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Mark Tallon »

I think you can find all the parts you need at Rig Rite Inc. They have the Mast Step assemblies, masts etc. you need to get this problem corrected.

Rig-Rite, Inc.
63 Centerville Road, Warwick, RI 02886 USA
Phone: (001) 401-739-1140 -- FAX: (001) 401-739-1149

Don Sargeant

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Don Sargeant »

The wonderful world of water sports!
There's no question, from what you've related, that the yard should do whatever's needed to satisfy you. But that pin serves only to locate the spar on the hinge. It has no structural duties. The base of the mast could be patch-welded with a heli-arc welder as a fall-back (no-pun-intended) position for you.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Still on the hard due to the dismal weather.

Bill Romeo wrote: Yesterday, in the boatyard's attempt to step our CD25's mast, they lost control of the mast while it was standing and the mast fell forward shearing the base pin right though the bottom of the mast. Specifically, when they were raising the mast they did not attach any of the shrouds and, as a result, when they lost control there was nothing to prevent the mast from falling forward. Since the mast step only hinges towards the aft, when the mast fell forward, the hinge pin remained in place and ripped the pin hole right through to the bottom of the mast. Now there is an open gash instead of a hole. The boatyard is suggesting that they may want to "cut" the mast down a couple of inches and drill new holes. I am somewhat skepical of this approach as it may affect the dynamics, etc. of the boat. In addition, the boom will then be a few inches lower. Does anyone have any suggestions to a potential fix to this problem or should I have the boatyard replace the whole mast? Could there be any other damage I should be concerned about? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Matt Cawthorne

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

The hole in the bottom of the mast can be repaired by welding. This is a deck-stepped mast correct? They can either weld a new hunk of mast on the bottom or weld in a piece locally. The bending stresses at the base of a mast are minimal. I should think that the mast would need to be painted after the welding. Some larger CD masts are welded sections. There is a much bigger question, though. What other damage was done to the rig when it hit the boat/ground? Are there any dents, permanent bends, kinks, weakened threads etc? I would hate to be on a boat when the mast came down. If it were up to me I would make them buy you a new mast.

Dan H

Re: CD25 Broken Mast Question

Post by Dan H »


I can't quite picture how the pin would rip the mast since the pin is inserted through the upper and lower base plates and not the mast itself. None the less, the ripped out pin hole may be the obvious damage, but there is more to consider. When the mast fell, how and where did it land? Did the masthead crash to a hard surface potentially causing damage to it or the componencts in and on it? Did the mast hit the pulpit on the way down possibly creating a bend? Did the spreaders take a hit on the way down? Look at the tips and the spreader bases as well as the tubes themselves. What about the mast step? Where the elctrical wires connected? Did the force of the mast being ripped off at the base put undo pressure on this area. When checking these areas, use a magnifying glass to locate small cracks. What ever you do, don't settle and sign anything until you have had ample time to discover all the damage that may have been done.
Bill Romeo wrote: Yesterday, in the boatyard's attempt to step our CD25's mast, they lost control of the mast while it was standing and the mast fell forward shearing the base pin right though the bottom of the mast. Specifically, when they were raising the mast they did not attach any of the shrouds and, as a result, when they lost control there was nothing to prevent the mast from falling forward. Since the mast step only hinges towards the aft, when the mast fell forward, the hinge pin remained in place and ripped the pin hole right through to the bottom of the mast. Now there is an open gash instead of a hole. The boatyard is suggesting that they may want to "cut" the mast down a couple of inches and drill new holes. I am somewhat skepical of this approach as it may affect the dynamics, etc. of the boat. In addition, the boom will then be a few inches lower. Does anyone have any suggestions to a potential fix to this problem or should I have the boatyard replace the whole mast? Could there be any other damage I should be concerned about? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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