Typhoon Tiller Replacement

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Bob Earl

Typhoon Tiller Replacement

Post by Bob Earl »

Is there any place to locate a replacement tiller for a typhoon weekender? Any used parts dealers someone has come across? Or new parts dealer which might have the same basic tiller? Thanks in advance.

Hobby Marine

Re: Typhoon Tiller Replacement

Post by Hobby Marine »


I can provide you with a replacement tiller for a Ty. Please call me at 252-224-1600 for more information. I will send you a price on Monday. This will be for a new one.

Hope we can help

Marino Curati

Could you post a price?

Post by Marino Curati »

Hobby Marine wrote: Bob:

I can provide you with a replacement tiller for a Ty. Please call me at 252-224-1600 for more information. I will send you a price on Monday. This will be for a new one.

Hope we can help
Could you post a price? I'd be interested in a new tiller if the price is right.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug

Gerry Smith

Re: Could you post a price?

Post by Gerry Smith »

Marino Curati wrote:
Hobby Marine wrote: Bob:

I can provide you with a replacement tiller for a Ty. Please call me at 252-224-1600 for more information. I will send you a price on Monday. This will be for a new one.

Hope we can help
Could you post a price? I'd be interested in a new tiller if the price is right.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
Bob,I have a Ty senior.I could use a spare tiller,I'm sure.Could you post a price.Thank you.Gerry

Mystic Marine

Re: Typhoon Tiller Replacement

Post by Mystic Marine »

We have sold several tillers over the past six months for $150 each. These are exact replicas of the Typhoon tiller and are hand-crafted from teak laminated with resourcinol - just like the originals.

If you send your old tiller strap, we will mount the new tiller with press-fit bronze pins, also just like the original.

Duncan Maio
Mystic Marine

Hobby Marine

Re: Typhoon Tiller Replacement

Post by Hobby Marine »

Hobby Marine now makes The following parts for the Ty.

Hatch for the daysailor @ $175.00
Tiller in teak or teak and oak with pins @ 150.00.

We will soon ofer teak rubrail, toerail, teak stern trim and rudders. I will post these items on the web as soon as I have prices avail.

We also offer replacement parts for the 300MS, anything you need.

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