Ed, I read your post about the need for a new main sail.
Three years ago I replacesdthe main and the jib on our CD 28 for $1800.00. I got the sails form Cruising Direct. They use North Sail cloth and were great people to work with. I have used the sails for three years and they were well cut and every bit as good as the sail our local sail maker wanted to charge me $1800.00 for JUST the main alone! Now to give this guy his due, he is knonw nationally and he IS good. He triple stiches his sails and does all the extras to make them tough were mine are double stiched. But I am not planning rounding the Horn any time soon either.
All in all I am VERY happy with the quality of the sails and staff at Cruising Direct.
Sorry I don't have their phone or address handy, but I'm sure they're on-line.
Good Luck
T. Vanco
New main sail for CD 28
Moderator: Jim Walsh