Hanalei fowls anchor....

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Traditions Officer

Hanalei fowls anchor....

Post by Traditions Officer »

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Hanalei has permanently fowled his anchor. The Captain and Commander of Hanalei, David Stump, was joined in matrimony with the 1st. Mate of Hanalei, Ms. Carol Clark at a ceremony held at the Avon Old Farms Inn in Avon Connecticut on May 5, 2001. The happy couple left on Monday May 7 for a trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands for a well deserved honeymoon.

While in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Captain obtained an authentic Skull & Crossbones flag that will hence forth be flown from the Port Signal halyard aboard Hanalei! The Captain also partook of many glasses of Grog, that did in fact affect his fitness for duty on return from the honeymoon.

A special note to Catherine of CDSOA. The wedding vows that you so kindly supplied WERE used during the ceremony with slight modification by the Captain. Thank you for your help...it was much appreciated. I remain.....

David Stump
Captain & Commander
Nautical Traditions Officer
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Michael Heintz

A Glass to you Sir!!!!!!!

Post by Michael Heintz »

Congratulations Captain!!!!!!! But watch the 1st mate......could be commodore soon!

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts
CD 30 MK II 004

Larry DeMers

Re: Hanalei fowls anchor....

Post by Larry DeMers »

Dave and Carol,

Congratulations and Huzzahs!!! Tis a fine thing ye did by yer sweety, David me boy. Hanalei will be a happy ship for you both. Fly the flag proudly!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Traditions Officer wrote: It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Hanalei has permanently fowled his anchor. The Captain and Commander of Hanalei, David Stump, was joined in matrimony with the 1st. Mate of Hanalei, Ms. Carol Clark at a ceremony held at the Avon Old Farms Inn in Avon Connecticut on May 5, 2001. The happy couple left on Monday May 7 for a trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands for a well deserved honeymoon.

While in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Captain obtained an authentic Skull & Crossbones flag that will hence forth be flown from the Port Signal halyard aboard Hanalei! The Captain also partook of many glasses of Grog, that did in fact affect his fitness for duty on return from the honeymoon.

A special note to Catherine of CDSOA. The wedding vows that you so kindly supplied WERE used during the ceremony with slight modification by the Captain. Thank you for your help...it was much appreciated. I remain.....

David Stump
Captain & Commander
Nautical Traditions Officer
s/v Hanalei CD-30

s/v Sovereign

Cheers!!! (this may take a moment)

Post by s/v Sovereign »

From the Crew of s/v Sovereign - CONGRATULATIONS!!! We raise a glass to David & Carol!! Cheers!!!

Jon & Crew :)
s/v Sovereign
CD25 #625

Warren Kaplan

Re: Hanalei fowls anchor....

Post by Warren Kaplan »

I see Hanalei wasn't alone in "taking the plunge" this season. Good for you and Carol! Makes for a happy captain and crew. The best of all circumstances for sailing and everything else. Fair winds to you both.
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166

Larry DeMers

Re: Cheers!!! (this may take a moment)

Post by Larry DeMers »

Hey neat!

s/v Sovereign wrote: From the Crew of s/v Sovereign - CONGRATULATIONS!!! We raise a glass to David & Carol!! Cheers!!!

Jon & Crew :)
s/v Sovereign
CD25 #625


Re: Hanalei fowls anchor....

Post by len »


congratulations! - on my boat i am (sort of) the captain (when my wonderful wife of almost 32 years is aboard) but everywhere else she is definitely the boss - something for a newlywed to think about!


Catherine Monaghan

Re: Hanalei fowls anchor....

Post by Catherine Monaghan »



I don't think Hanalei's fouled her anchor. I think she's now set a Bahamian moor -- should keep her from drifting too far astray.

Don't forget, it's nautical tradition to fly the "owner's private signal" or "club burgee" flag from the masthead, unless of course you're a real pirate, then it takes the place of the ensign on the backstay or at the stern.

The following is an excerpt from the USPS's website:

"...The national ensign or yacht ensign is hoisted at the stern (or set in place on its staff). This is followed by the USPS ensign at the starboard spreader (if not already flying on a day-and-night basis) provided the skipper is an active member of USPS. Then comes the club burgee or Squadron burgee at the bow, and the private signal at the masthead. (An officer flag, if flown in place of a private signal, would be flown continuously.)

If the boat bears a valid USCG Auxiliary Facility decal, it would be flying the Auxiliary ensign at the masthead day and night. The USCG Auxiliary officers pennant or burgee may be flown day or night. On smaller craft, the same sequence should be followed, with the flags on their staff being set in the appropriate locations.

At sunset, colors not properly flown on a day-and-night basis should be lowered in reverse sequence, the ensign at the stern always being the last to be secured...."

<a href="http://www.usps.org/f_stuff/etiquett.ht ... tt.html</a>

If you cannot get that flag to the masthead, fly it at the starboard spreader not from the port spreader.

See you at Shelter Island in July.

CD32 <a href="http://www.hometown.aol.com/bcomet/real ... lization</>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Traditions Officer wrote: It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Hanalei has permanently fowled his anchor. The Captain and Commander of Hanalei, David Stump, was joined in matrimony with the 1st. Mate of Hanalei, Ms. Carol Clark at a ceremony held at the Avon Old Farms Inn in Avon Connecticut on May 5, 2001. The happy couple left on Monday May 7 for a trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands for a well deserved honeymoon.

While in the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Captain obtained an authentic Skull & Crossbones flag that will hence forth be flown from the Port Signal halyard aboard Hanalei! The Captain also partook of many glasses of Grog, that did in fact affect his fitness for duty on return from the honeymoon.

A special note to Catherine of CDSOA. The wedding vows that you so kindly supplied WERE used during the ceremony with slight modification by the Captain. Thank you for your help...it was much appreciated. I remain.....

David Stump
Captain & Commander
Nautical Traditions Officer
s/v Hanalei CD-30

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