
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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charlie palumbo


Post by charlie palumbo »

years ago I read of a way to clean the cowls of the brownish yellow weatherization that seems to build on the cowls. I actually got them back to a nice white. I must be having a senior moment....damn if I can remember what I used. Any suggestions?
Craig Curtis

Re: cowls

Post by Craig Curtis »

There's an article on that has spring cleaning tips. After referring to several unsuccessful attempts to clean the cowl vents with other products, the author recommended mineral spirits. I can attest to this as well. Not only did it restore the whiteness, but it really polished them up to like-new condition.

Craig Curtis
1990 CD 40 "Coalescence"

Re: cowls

Post by Stan »

I used to clean the 4 flexible Nicro plastic vents every year with mineral spirits, but 3 years ago just broke down and painted them (after cleaning with mineral spirits) with white Interlux yacht enamel. The paint has remained flexible enough that it hasn't cracked in 3 years, has remained a high gloss finish, and requires only a damp rag to clean. I am very pleased with the performance of the paint.
Happy sailing!
CD 31 "Nomad"
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