Slow head sole drain

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Slow head sole drain

Post by Ray »

When I use the head for a shower in my 25D, it drains very slowly through the hose into the bilge. I have tried an auger from both ends with no real success, meaning it has not increased the flow. When I used the auger from the head end, it seems to hit something solid. Likewise, when I used the auger from the bilge end it hits something solid. In other words, there does not seem to be a straight line from the head sole drain to the bilge without a sump in between. Does anyone know the design of the drain from the head to the bilge in a 25D? Do you have any suggestions for freeing up the the flow? Many thanks, Ray.
Allen Evans

Re: Slow head sole drain

Post by Allen Evans »

Ray -
Periodically, we have the problem on our CD 36, which I solve by blowing air back through the drain hose from the bilge to the shower sump.
- Allen
Ray wrote: When I use the head for a shower in my 25D, it drains very slowly through the hose into the bilge. I have tried an auger from both ends with no real success, meaning it has not increased the flow. When I used the auger from the head end, it seems to hit something solid. Likewise, when I used the auger from the bilge end it hits something solid. In other words, there does not seem to be a straight line from the head sole drain to the bilge without a sump in between. Does anyone know the design of the drain from the head to the bilge in a 25D? Do you have any suggestions for freeing up the the flow? Many thanks, Ray.
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