Re: We're on the water~!~

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Larry DeMers

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by Larry DeMers »

We finally launched DeLaMer this morning at 0800, and all three new thru-hulls (well one entirely new thruhull for the speed sensor, moved now to the keel root; the galley seacock and thruhull replaced with the Isotherm refrigeration heat exchanger, with all new hole after filling and redriling the old one; and a patched over hole where the speed sensor used to be..8 layers of 6 oz. cloth and roving combined, faced with 4 oz. glass on the inside and out, faired into the hull.

We had a tiny, tiny weep from the isotherm installation, so I have our marina owner making a crows-foot wrench to tighten the seacocks nut a tad tighter. After about 1 hr. the weeping stopped entirely, as the teak backing block for the thru hull absorbed a little water.
Other wise, it's all dry and ready for new sails next week! Projects..projects...I just want to go sailing!

It's sure nice feeling the boats motion again!
All's right with the world once again.

Cheers and a Great Sailing Season to all Skippers,

Larry DeMers
s/v DelaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Launched and getting ready on Lk. Superior~~~
Ken Coit

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by Ken Coit »


Welcome back to the floating. Ain't it great? We managed 8.1 Kts. over the ground in 10-15 air yesterday; it was wonderful!


Larry DeMers wrote: We finally launched DeLaMer this morning at 0800, and all three new thru-hulls (well one entirely new thruhull for the speed sensor, moved now to the keel root; the galley seacock and thruhull replaced with the Isotherm refrigeration heat exchanger, with all new hole after filling and redriling the old one; and a patched over hole where the speed sensor used to be..8 layers of 6 oz. cloth and roving combined, faced with 4 oz. glass on the inside and out, faired into the hull.

We had a tiny, tiny weep from the isotherm installation, so I have our marina owner making a crows-foot wrench to tighten the seacocks nut a tad tighter. After about 1 hr. the weeping stopped entirely, as the teak backing block for the thru hull absorbed a little water.
Other wise, it's all dry and ready for new sails next week! Projects..projects...I just want to go sailing!

It's sure nice feeling the boats motion again!
All's right with the world once again.

Cheers and a Great Sailing Season to all Skippers,

Larry DeMers
s/v DelaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Launched and getting ready on Lk. Superior~~~
Warren Kaplan

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Larry DeMers wrote: We finally launched DeLaMer this morning at 0800, and all three new thru-hulls (well one entirely new thruhull for the speed sensor, moved now to the keel root; the galley seacock and thruhull replaced with the Isotherm refrigeration heat exchanger, with all new hole after filling and redriling the old one; and a patched over hole where the speed sensor used to be..8 layers of 6 oz. cloth and roving combined, faced with 4 oz. glass on the inside and out, faired into the hull.

We had a tiny, tiny weep from the isotherm installation, so I have our marina owner making a crows-foot wrench to tighten the seacocks nut a tad tighter. After about 1 hr. the weeping stopped entirely, as the teak backing block for the thru hull absorbed a little water.
Other wise, it's all dry and ready for new sails next week! Projects..projects...I just want to go sailing!

It's sure nice feeling the boats motion again!
All's right with the world once again.

Cheers and a Great Sailing Season to all Skippers,

Larry DeMers
s/v DelaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Launched and getting ready on Lk. Superior~~~
I tell ya' the horizon always looked better to me when heeled about 15 degrees than it ever did dead level. Now that you can once again feel the deck move under your feet...tell me if I'm not right!
All good things begin at splash in!
S/V Sine Qua Non CD27
yves feder W1UX

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by yves feder W1UX »

Warren Kaplan wrote:
Larry DeMers wrote: We finally launched DeLaMer this morning at 0800, and all three new thru-hulls (well one entirely new thruhull for the speed sensor, moved now to the keel root; the galley seacock and thruhull replaced with the Isotherm refrigeration heat exchanger, with all new hole after filling and redriling the old one; and a patched over hole where the speed sensor used to be..8 layers of 6 oz. cloth and roving combined, faced with 4 oz. glass on the inside and out, faired into the hull.

We had a tiny, tiny weep from the isotherm installation, so I have our marina owner making a crows-foot wrench to tighten the seacocks nut a tad tighter. After about 1 hr. the weeping stopped entirely, as the teak backing block for the thru hull absorbed a little water.
Other wise, it's all dry and ready for new sails next week! Projects..projects...I just want to go sailing!

It's sure nice feeling the boats motion again!
All's right with the world once again.

Cheers and a Great Sailing Season to all Skippers,

Larry DeMers
s/v DelaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Launched and getting ready on Lk. Superior~~~
I tell ya' the horizon always looked better to me when heeled about 15 degrees than it ever did dead level. Now that you can once again feel the deck move under your feet...tell me if I'm not right!
All good things begin at splash in!
S/V Sine Qua Non CD27
Not to mention the incredible change in outlook, frame of mind, general enthusiasm, EVERYTHING looks (and is!) better! :):)
S/V "Alphee" CD27 #4
Bob Malinka

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by Bob Malinka »

Congratulations on your launching. I just received a call last night from the riggers(crane on a barge with tugboat)and they will be up our river today to put Ranger in the water. We have been having some windy Northwesters here, which pushes the water out of the river giving us extreme low tides in combination with the close vicinity of the sun to the earth this time of year. Hopefully they will be able to get up the river late this afternoon at our next high tide and get us in the water. Meanwhile I count down the hours until she goes in the water.

S/V Ranger #144
1984 CD25D

Larry DeMers wrote: We finally launched DeLaMer this morning at 0800, and all three new thru-hulls (well one entirely new thruhull for the speed sensor, moved now to the keel root; the galley seacock and thruhull replaced with the Isotherm refrigeration heat exchanger, with all new hole after filling and redriling the old one; and a patched over hole where the speed sensor used to be..8 layers of 6 oz. cloth and roving combined, faced with 4 oz. glass on the inside and out, faired into the hull.

We had a tiny, tiny weep from the isotherm installation, so I have our marina owner making a crows-foot wrench to tighten the seacocks nut a tad tighter. After about 1 hr. the weeping stopped entirely, as the teak backing block for the thru hull absorbed a little water.
Other wise, it's all dry and ready for new sails next week! Projects..projects...I just want to go sailing!

It's sure nice feeling the boats motion again!
All's right with the world once again.

Cheers and a Great Sailing Season to all Skippers,

Larry DeMers
s/v DelaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Launched and getting ready on Lk. Superior~~~

Re: We're on the water~!~

Post by Bill »

<FONT color="#008080">I can hardly wait to splash Rhapsody.  It just all
this end of school, with a son that's graduating, and relatives coming to visit
and worst of all, WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My day will come. 

Congratulations to all with wet bottoms.

S/V Rhapsody</FONT></P>
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