CD25 Upgrade Head

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Tore Saether

CD25 Upgrade Head

Post by Tore Saether »

My '77 CD25 has the original head. Need to get legal in Buzzards Bay. Considered Porta Pottie. No way,no room. Looking for minimal way to convert. Any comments/suggestions appreciated.

Re: CD25 Upgrade Head

Post by keith »

Tore Saether wrote: My '77 CD25 has the original head. Need to get legal in Buzzards Bay. Considered Porta Pottie. No way,no room. Looking for minimal way to convert. Any comments/suggestions appreciated.
We needed the room; so, we converted to the "bucket with a heavy duty plastic bag liner for disposal" method with a plastic seat from West Marine. Probably not everyone's favorite way to they'd probably call it a downgrade; but, it works for us.....simple, inexpensive, legal.

Re: CD25 Upgrade Head

Post by Tom »

Have a 76 CD25 out of South Dartmouth use a porta-potti. No much head room if you try to sit on it but it works.
Brad Smith

Re: CD25 Upgrade Head

Post by Brad Smith »

Take a look at for the upgrades applied to a CD25 including the head. I use a Sears Pakapottie on "Second Wind" which is minimal but functional and legal.
keith wrote:
Tore Saether wrote: My '77 CD25 has the original head. Need to get legal in Buzzards Bay. Considered Porta Pottie. No way,no room. Looking for minimal way to convert. Any comments/suggestions appreciated.
We needed the room; so, we converted to the "bucket with a heavy duty plastic bag liner for disposal" method with a plastic seat from West Marine. Probably not everyone's favorite way to they'd probably call it a downgrade; but, it works for us.....simple, inexpensive, legal.
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