Does anybody have any experience painting the topsides and deck of a typhoon? I am looking at an old beaten up typhoon, and i want to know how much i can expect to spend to fix it up nice. The main thing it needs is brightening up the deck and topsides.
Painting deck and topsides of a typhoon
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Painting deck and topsides of a typhoon
just redid the non-skid on the deck and cockpit of my ty. materials cost about $100 and time involved was about ten hours. to get a nice finish on the deck and topsides you would want it sprayed on which should be professionally done using imron or awlgrip or some other two-part polyurethane. if you do all the prep work an autobody painter could do the painting for you. or if you have a fat wallet a boatyard can do the whole deal. you really have to decide how much you can or want to do yourself, then do some serious price shopping.
Jay Bonahoom wrote: Does anybody have any experience painting the topsides and deck of a typhoon? I am looking at an old beaten up typhoon, and i want to know how much i can expect to spend to fix it up nice. The main thing it needs is brightening up the deck and topsides.