Radar contoversy clarified

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Radar contoversy clarified

Post by Adam »

I appreciate all the feed back. I especially like the cat idea. However I was thinking about duct tapeing one to the radome to get a realistic appraisal of the harm.

When I posted about attaching the radome to the stern rail I ment with a commercial pole. However the owner of the boat told me that it is an 8 foot pole that is mounted to the deck and uses the railing as support. But for my thinking that still ony leaves two feet clearence from your head. Even less if your standing on the cabin deck. And I asume that if your standing at the bow you will be getting hit with some of the radiation from the radar.

Im still a bit freeked about him useing the stern mount even with the pole. His main concern is snaking the wire under the liner. any help with that would help.


Re: Radar contoversy clarified

Post by Bill »

Adam wrote: His main concern is snaking the wire under the liner. any help with that would help.

I was very reluctant to install a masthead anchor light for this very reason. I was finally successful (sp) at getting two new (a duplex and tri-plex) wires snaked from the hole just forward of the compression post to the electrical panel. No wire exposed. It just took some time. what size coax (I assume that the radar uses coax) will he use. I could have snaked RG-8X coax, but not too sure about RG-8U. I ran it right down the port hand rail.

S/V Rhapsody
CD 25D

ps if you try this leave a line in place in case you need to do it again sometime.


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