Over 6 knts in a Typhoon...

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Richard Stephens

Over 6 knts in a Typhoon...

Post by Richard Stephens »

It is possible to go over six knots in a Ty... and here's the proof: <a href="http://www.memory-map.com/six_knots.gif">

This was on a broad reach yesterday in a strong north-westerly with way too much sail up! What a ride... I had to share it with you!


Dan H

Re: Over 6 knts in a Typhoon...

Post by Dan H »

AWESOME!! What sails were you flying and just how wet did the rail get? And what bottom paint do you use?

Dan H
CD25 #652

Richard Stephens wrote:
It is possible to go over six knots in a Ty... and here's the proof: <a href="http://www.memory-map.com/six_knots.gif">

This was on a broad reach yesterday in a strong north-westerly with way too much sail up! What a ride... I had to share it with you!


Dan H

Re: Over 6 knts in a Typhoon...

Post by Dan H »

AWESOME!! What sails were you flying and just how wet did the rail get? And what bottom paint do you use?

Dan H
CD25 #652

Richard Stephens wrote:
It is possible to go over six knots in a Ty... and here's the proof: <a href="http://www.memory-map.com/six_knots.gif">

This was on a broad reach yesterday in a strong north-westerly with way too much sail up! What a ride... I had to share it with you!


M. R. Bober

Speed impressive;altitude more so--429ft! Awesome.

Post by M. R. Bober »

You must have been flying.
Mitchell Bober
Richard Stephens

Re: Over 6 knts in a Typhoon...

Post by Richard Stephens »

Dan H wrote: AWESOME!! What sails were you flying and just how wet did the rail get? And what bottom paint do you use?
I had the full main and 110% jib up. My mainsail is rather bigger than standard: it has a full roach, and the boom is 6" lower than normal (this was a measurement error on my part, but it is livable), and it is loose-footed, so there is additional area below the boom when you ease the outhaul. I usually reef it early, but here I was a few minutes from the mooring and still in control (just...) so I held on. We were sailing a fairly deep reach, with a wind gusting maybe 25 knts, and there were no waves to speak of (the wind had suddenly got up). There was a lot of white water on both sides, and we were pulling a huge wake, but there was no solid water on deck.

The funny thing is I did no bottom preparation at all this year: I just stuck her straight in the water about six weeks earlier than normal. It has been cold, but there has been plenty of wind and we have had a blast! I am going to haul her in June, and do my maintenance work in warmer weather.


Richard Stephens

Re: Speed impressive;altitude more so--429ft! Awesome.

Post by Richard Stephens »

M. R. Bober wrote: You must have been flying.
I was a mile high! But we are some 400ft above sea level, so that helps.


Michael D.

I couldn't get 4 knots!

Post by Michael D. »

I did the Mug race this year - a 30 mile river race (St. Johns River) I had a strong breeze (20knts) on a close reach. Averaged only 2.6 knots! Why is that? I had all the sail up I wanted and sailed a good line. What is the "hull speed" of a Typhoon?

I had fun! Whole family went - wife and 3 kids (1, 3, and 5yrs)!! It was awsome!

Re: I couldn't get 4 knots!

Post by Richard »

Michael D. wrote: I did the Mug race this year - a 30 mile river race (St. Johns River) I had a strong breeze (20knts) on a close reach. Averaged only 2.6 knots! Why is that? I had all the sail up I wanted and sailed a good line.

What is the "hull speed" of a Typhoon?

I had fun! Whole family went - wife and 3 kids (1, 3, and 5yrs)!! It was awsome!

Hull speed is around 5 knots. Given enough wind, I typically get 4.5 knots close-hauled (into a moderate chop) and 5.5 knots with the sheets eased.

I know when I have my wife and one year old on board, I don't pay much attention to sail trim, so that probably accounts for your 2.6 knots! Having fun is what its all about: that's much more important than speed.

Michael D.

and it was fun..

Post by Michael D. »

Yeah - I started thinking about it and we had lots of gear, food, and toys aboard! I didn't put the rail in the water (much) and I was more concerned with keeping kids happy than with sail trim. Still, I was disappointed at 2.6 knots!

However, talking to other racers afterwards I found out they were worried about keeping upright! The lighter boats with swing keels were not as comfortable as me - so, comfort over speed. That's a good trade.
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