Outboard concerns:

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Steve Kahn

Outboard concerns:

Post by Steve Kahn »

My CD25 was recently purchased with a Evinrude 15hp outboard-The boat seems to sit evenly in the water at the slip and she has plenty of power for the Galveston Bay and Gulf Coast waters. My concern is that the lower unit is always submerged in the saltwater and even though the zincs are good and the lower unit has a tin base bottom paint on it--it seems that over a period of time the lower unit will waste away as the salt water is always in the lower unit. All outboard Mfg.'s say that outboards were designed for fresh water and to be tilted out of the water when not in use. As all CD25 owners know there is no way to do this, at least very easily. With my current engine to get the shaft out of the hole in the stern I have to remove the wooden mounting block to angle the thick shaft out of the hole to remove the motor for service so there is no way to arrange a jack plate to pull the motor up. Im thinking about a Yamaha 2 stroke 8 hp that has a thinner shaft and weighs in about 60 lbs. so when the boat is not in use during the week I can pull it out of the engine compartment and lay it in one of the cockpit lockers so the shaft over time does not go south on me so to speak- Was also thinking about cockpit controls but I doubt there is any kind of quick disconnect of the cables from engine to control box that would be installed in the cockpit-May just use it as is but having the 60 lb. engine would be easier to maintain and still have sufficient power. I would rather have a 4 stroke but the weight and wider shaft creap back into play. Any one with any experience please send me your comments-Thanks alot-Steve Kahn-s/v Spoondrift 2--Kemah, Texas


Re: Outboard concerns:

Post by ken »


I think everyone goes though the same process with the CD25. I tried leaving an 8 horse Johnson sailmaster in the water here in Florida with antifouling paint on it and the saltwater took the paint down to bare metal in six months. You have to take the motor out of the water when not in use. Check out the Nissan, Mercury, or Mariner 5 horse four stroke with 20" shaft. They are all exactly the same. Lots of power, quiet, fairly light with small shaft and easy to get in and out of the well. You can put a lower pitch prop to get more torque, I have not had to do that yet and get plenty of thrust. I take it in and out easily when racing to reduce drag. I rigged up a board which mounts across the v-berth to store the four stroke verticly in the cabin when not in use. I also got the charging kit with the motor to charge my batteries. You have to jockey it a little to get the throttle through the opening but it works pretty well. The other advantage is that the exhaust is through the prop in the water so no issue of smothering in the well. With the Johnson I had to rig up a blower etc. Strongly suggest the Nissan.

Joe Cioffi

Re: Outboard concerns:

Post by Joe Cioffi »

Steve Kahn wrote: My CD25 was recently purchased with a Evinrude 15hp outboard-The boat seems to sit evenly in the water at the slip and she has plenty of power for the Galveston Bay and Gulf Coast waters. My concern is that the lower unit is always submerged in the saltwater and even though the zincs are good and the lower unit has a tin base bottom paint on it--it seems that over a period of time the lower unit will waste away as the salt water is always in the lower unit. All outboard Mfg.'s say that outboards were designed for fresh water and to be tilted out of the water when not in use. As all CD25 owners know there is no way to do this, at least very easily. With my current engine to get the shaft out of the hole in the stern I have to remove the wooden mounting block to angle the thick shaft out of the hole to remove the motor for service so there is no way to arrange a jack plate to pull the motor up. Im thinking about a Yamaha 2 stroke 8 hp that has a thinner shaft and weighs in about 60 lbs. so when the boat is not in use during the week I can pull it out of the engine compartment and lay it in one of the cockpit lockers so the shaft over time does not go south on me so to speak- Was also thinking about cockpit controls but I doubt there is any kind of quick disconnect of the cables from engine to control box that would be installed in the cockpit-May just use it as is but having the 60 lb. engine would be easier to maintain and still have sufficient power. I would rather have a 4 stroke but the weight and wider shaft creap back into play. Any one with any experience please send me your comments-Thanks alot-Steve Kahn-s/v Spoondrift 2--Kemah, Texas
Hello Steve,
Just some info on the 8hp Yamha.I own a CD22 and our engine is the same as you are thinking on getting now that the motor mount is properly mounted I can tell you this that our CD22 just about comes up on plane.I believe it is a great little motor.Easy to remove for service also to use for the dingy.One other feature I like about it is since we have no motor to charge the batterys we found out that you can purchase a add on that will charge the batterys it was I believe around 60.00 installed it is only 6amps but with the small draw on the batterys it works wonderfully.The one draw back is the zinc.I also had to paint the lower part but the pay off is worth it.

Enjoy Your New Motor


David Miller

Re: Outboard concerns:

Post by David Miller »

I bought a Yamaha longshaft 8 hp for my Cape Dory 25d two years ago. Obviously there is no way around the barnicle growth, but I have painted it with Trinidad antifouling paint and it seems to hold okay for about 4 months. After putting a high thrust prop on the engine the boat has recieved more power than needed. Even though it is a pain to have to keep sanding and repainting the engine, its still seems easier than pulling the engine out of the well every time you use the boat.

David Miller "coquina" tpa fl.

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