Greenwich 24 inputs

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Greenwich 24 inputs

Post by Dan »

I'm considering purchasing a Greenwich 24. Does anyone here have any insights on this boat? I figure CD25 owners should be able to provide inputs as the two are very similar (I've seen the Allied website linked on the CD25 page). Would the quality be similar to a CD25? Any inputs about sailing qualities, layout, etc. are appreciated. I'm seeing the boat Sunday, and the asking price is dirt cheap. Thanks,

don kinley

Re: Greenwich 24 inputs

Post by don kinley »

Dan wrote: I'm considering purchasing a Greenwich 24. Does anyone here have any insights on this boat? I figure CD25 owners should be able to provide inputs as the two are very similar (I've seen the Allied website linked on the CD25 page). Would the quality be similar to a CD25? Any inputs about sailing qualities, layout, etc. are appreciated. I'm seeing the boat Sunday, and the asking price is dirt cheap. Thanks,

I own a 1978 CD25 and love it. She's sturdy and handles great if you don't try to back up. She loves wind, and big head sails. She's really easy to take care of with the outboard and no thru hulls. I dont know exactly how similar the boats are, but I read that they are nearly the same. The only things I dont like about "Miss Clare" are that I must lift the lazerrete hatch for access to motor controls, and the motor doesn't ventilate well with the hatch closed. I think this is a problem with a remedy though when I have time, and I like the simplicity of an outboard well protected. I'm building a trailer to get mine to the coast for a while. She trailers pretty well, and is quite seaworthy.

Don Kinley
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