Brass winch bases, Biggest boat? Size?

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Bill Cahill

Brass winch bases, Biggest boat? Size?

Post by Bill Cahill »

I'm pondering adding a pair of winches to my CD-36. Looking at a cd-30(?)the brass (rather than wood as on the CD-36) winch base looked like it might do for the base for another set of winches. So... the question for all of the cult out there is - What is the biggest winch that was still mounted on the brass base? Where can such a base be bought (Spartan?). Many Thanks to all - I don't post often, but I really enjoy all the great information found here on the Information Exchange!

Bill Cahill
CD-36 #70
Stan W.

Re: Brass winch bases, Biggest boat? Size?

Post by Stan W. »

Spartan still lists bronze winch bases in their catalogue. I am not sure about the sizes.
Bristol Bronze

Re: Brass winch bases, Biggest boat? Size?

Post by Bristol Bronze »

Bill Cahill wrote: I'm pondering adding a pair of winches to my CD-36. Looking at a cd-30(?)the brass (rather than wood as on the CD-36) winch base looked like it might do for the base for another set of winches. So... the question for all of the cult out there is - What is the biggest winch that was still mounted on the brass base? Where can such a base be bought (Spartan?). Many Thanks to all - I don't post often, but I really enjoy all the great information found here on the Information Exchange!

Bill Cahill
CD-36 #70
Dear Bill,

I hope your are not really serious about using brass for a winch base. You will end up with all kinds of trouble if you do. Since most brass contains high levels of zinc and lead the metal is much weaker and less corrosion resistant than Bronze. In addition, the zinc will separate from the copper in the metal in a process called dezincification. The departing zinc will come out as zinc oxide which is acetic and will attack and disolve the lignum in any wood near by causing the wood to rot.

A few years ago we made some winch pedestals for a good size boat in Florida. The pedestals were of the same type used on the Cape Dorys but larger. We still have the paterns. If you would like them in Bronze give me a call at 401-625-5224 and I will measure the size for you so you can see if they will suit your needs.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Spartan winch bases are bronze not brass!

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Don't confuse brass with bronze, they are not the same. But I'm sure you meant bronze.

Anyway, if you want to use original equipment, Spartan's winch stands are heavy duty bronze. You can contact Spartan Marine at 1-800-3CLEATS and request a catalog.

Bristol Bronze should be able to make them for you as well -- 401-625-5224.
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Bristol Bronze wrote:
Bill Cahill wrote: I'm pondering adding a pair of winches to my CD-36. Looking at a cd-30(?)the brass (rather than wood as on the CD-36) winch base looked like it might do for the base for another set of winches. So... the question for all of the cult out there is - What is the biggest winch that was still mounted on the brass base? Where can such a base be bought (Spartan?). Many Thanks to all - I don't post often, but I really enjoy all the great information found here on the Information Exchange!

Bill Cahill
CD-36 #70
Dear Bill,

I hope your are not really serious about using brass for a winch base. You will end up with all kinds of trouble if you do. Since most brass contains high levels of zinc and lead the metal is much weaker and less corrosion resistant than Bronze. In addition, the zinc will separate from the copper in the metal in a process called dezincification. The departing zinc will come out as zinc oxide which is acetic and will attack and disolve the lignum in any wood near by causing the wood to rot.

A few years ago we made some winch pedestals for a good size boat in Florida. The pedestals were of the same type used on the Cape Dorys but larger. We still have the paterns. If you would like them in Bronze give me a call at 401-625-5224 and I will measure the size for you so you can see if they will suit your needs.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Bill Cahill

Oops - I did mean bronze - Thanks for the ideas !

Post by Bill Cahill »

I'll give Spartan a call, and thanks to Roger W. at
Bristol Bronze for his offer of help
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