I am going to pick up a recently acquired 1984 Ty. The trailer doesn't have a post to hold the mast for travel. Does anyone have any ideas?
Securing the mast for trailering
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Securing the mast for trailering
my trailer does not have a mast post either. i constructed a crutch by crossing some 1x3's to form an x with a straight piece to secure the bottom ends of the x. this fits between the tiller and the back of the cockpit, rests on the cockpit floor and supports the top-end of the mast. at the maststep i cut a 2x4 to fit between the sides of the maststep and then made a v-notch in the top to support the mast. its about 6" long. i drilled a hole through the lower portion to line up with the slots in the sides of the maststep and put a long bolt through it with a wing nut on one end which secures the 2x4 to the slots (a mini mast). this supports the middle of the mast at the spreaders. at the bow i made another 2x4 similar to the maststep support, but this time cut a groove in the lower portion so it slips over the stemhead fitting and prevents lateral movement. i also drilled a hole through the lower section and use aluminum wire to secure the 2x4 to the bow chock latches. after the mast is in the supports it gets tied down at those locations with nylon rope to keep it put. it travels down the road with the back higher than the front and the short supports take a lot of wobble out of the mast.
makes a great support for my winter canvas cover also.
makes a great support for my winter canvas cover also.
Nicholas S. Pistolakis wrote: I am going to pick up a recently acquired 1984 Ty. The trailer doesn't have a post to hold the mast for travel. Does anyone have any ideas?