We just acquired 1984 CD 30 #311. It has been neglected, and needs a considerable amount of TLC. We have owned 3 previous CDs including a 28, so we're not complete novices. However, no documents are on the boat, and the Hillerange stove/oven is new to us, as is the Autohelm ST3000. If you have manuals and would be kind enough to copy them, we'd appreciate it. email me for address, etc.
Manuals needed for CD30 accessories
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Manuals needed for CD30 accessories
Look at the top of the BB page, click on the "About Cape Dorys", in CONTENTS click on "four manuals". You can get a copy of the CD-30 manual there.
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Look at the top of the BB page, click on the "About Cape Dorys", in CONTENTS click on "four manuals". You can get a copy of the CD-30 manual there.
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30