Handy Web Site for Calculating Boat Values

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Handy Web Site for Calculating Boat Values

Post by Mario »

Fellow Sailors--

In this month's Chesapeake Bay Magazine, which arrived today, there is a suggested link to "Carl's Sailing Calculator." According to CBM:

"There are more than 500 boats on his web page now, and you can compare not only dimensions but calculated values like Displacement/Length, Sail Area/Displacement, Ballast/Displacement, Screening Value, and Comfort Value."

I checked it out...very handy. All the Cape Dorys are listed.

Go to www.image-ination.com/sailcalc.html

(and yes, there's supposed to be a hyphen in there)


bob loewenstein

Re: Handy Web Site for Calculating Boat Values

Post by bob loewenstein »

Just to emphasize how vigilant our webmasters are, this link has been sitting in the 'about cape dorys' link in these web pages. Look for 'Click here'


Catherine Monaghan

The link's on the same web page as the CD specs

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<a href=http://www.toolworks.com/capedory/ccdoi ... ecs">About Cape Dorys</a>

Hey everybody, don't forget, at the top of every web page on this site (except for posts on the Message Board) there's a navigation bar to help you explore the CCDOA's website. Click on "About Cape Dorys" in the graphic navigation bar, or "Cape Dorys" in the text version and that will bring you to the page that contains the links to the CD specs as well as to Carl's sailing calculator and John Hotrop's technical articles.

The CCDOA's website has much to offer, please explore.

CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

bob loewenstein wrote: Just to emphasize how vigilant our webmasters are, this link has been sitting in the 'about cape dorys' link in these web pages. Look for 'Click here'


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