Found a good product--Gorilla Glue

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M. R. Bober

Found a good product--Gorilla Glue

Post by M. R. Bober »

While repairing a minor bit of woodwork (at cabin sole) I found that some waterproof glues aren't. A cabinetmaker told me about "Gorilla Glue" and I gave it a try. Works well (so far). It foams while curing so allow room for some expansion. After it kicks, you'll need a chisel to remove excess so clean as you go.

Hate to brag department:
RESPITE is being launched on Thursday. I'm so happy that my back & knees have stopped hurting. The boatyard is fun, but I'd rather be sailing.

Mitchell Bober
Mark Yashinsky

Re: Found a good product--Gorilla Glue

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Polyurethane (Gorilla) glues are water activated (wet the wood), gap filling, and WILL push against the wood (clamps). It also sticks to a lot of things, that you may not want it to. Look in various wood working rags about the stuff.
P.S. Dont remember if any comments on teh UV resistance of the stuff, though!!!
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