electric bilge placement on CD25?

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steve marcotte

electric bilge placement on CD25?

Post by steve marcotte »

Last season while the our (new) '78 CD25 was in the yard, we installed an electric bilge pump in what we thought was the low point in bilge... (roughly- between the seacocks in the fore end of the cockpit- just against a bulkhead/below the companionway?). Anyway, turns out that she doesn't seem to collect enough water for that section to be of much use as a pump location... I'd like to move it this year but really don't have any idea of where...


Re: electric bilge placement on CD25?

Post by tom »

steve marcotte wrote: Last season while the our (new) '78 CD25 was in the yard, we installed an electric bilge pump in what we thought was the low point in bilge... (roughly- between the seacocks in the fore end of the cockpit- just against a bulkhead/below the companionway?). Anyway, turns out that she doesn't seem to collect enough water for that section to be of much use as a pump location... I'd like to move it this year but really don't have any idea of where...
On my 76 CD25 the lowest spot I have is under the ice box. Pull the board covering the bilge inside the cabin and get on the floor with a flashlight and look under the icebox. You will see the bilge drop off into a shallow well. This is about 6-8 inches lower than the spot you have under the cockpit. This is where my pump is located. Don't ask how to get the pump there the previous owner did it. He mounted the pump on a S.S. plate and slide the pump down into the well. The hose comes up where your pump is now.

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