Bilge pump removal, CD31

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Dick Turner

Bilge pump removal, CD31

Post by Dick Turner »

What's the trick getting the pump out of the bilge through the hatch in the salons sole. I can't reach it through the small hatch opening.

Thanks in advance

Re: Bilge pump removal, CD31

Post by Stan »

Good evening,
What timing! I just did this very operation on Sunday. My pump has a SS bracket made from rubrail stock. I have a Rule 1500
pump bolted to this bracket. The bracket is L shaped, and the vertical section of the bracket is secured to the outside of the
after side wall of the shower sump. This serves as a handle. When you want to remove the pump, unscrew the bracket and lift
away. I'll see if I can get a sketch made up of dimensions for you. I just happen to have the whole assembly in the garage at the
Isn't the CD 31 just the greatest?! We've got hull #8, Nomad, out of Old Lyme, CT, and think it is superb for 2 crew cruising.
Happy sailing!

Re: Bilge pump removal, CD31

Post by len »


i pull mine up by the electric wires

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