Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

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Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

Post by Terry »

Anyone aware of where to obtain a gallon of Brown Interlux CSC Extra with Biolux in the northern Cheasapeake area? Have tried West, US/Boat, Fawcett. They only stock the red, black, blue, etc., otherwise it is a special order with fees to break a case and hazmat shipping charges, etc.
I thought it odd that it is manufactured, but you can't buy it, as pricey as it is. Apparantly, the reason it is not carried buy the retail stores is due to no demand for the color. Doesn't everyone sail a Cape Dory?
Would also appreciate any recommendations as to boot stripe paint, ie Petit's Brightwork Brown vs Interlux Chocolate Brown.
Thanks for your attention.
Larry Austin

Re: Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

Post by Larry Austin »

West Marine ordered a gallon of Mircon CSC Brown for me at no extra charges. "could" take up to 2 weeks to get the paint depending on what day of the week you place your order. (something about making this weeks truck run,if not gets put on next weeks truck run)

Larry Austin

oh, one more thing,,,I think unless you pick up at the store you will pay those haz mat charges,etc.
Larry Austin

Re: Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

Post by Larry Austin »

just reread you post,,,you are looking for brown Micron with "Biolux",,,,,,Not sure if that comes in brown.

good luck,,,,going to dunk'n for coffee!!

Larry Austin

Re: Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

Post by len »


i've used and been happy with intelux chocolate brown for the boot stripe

Clay Stalker

Re: Sourcing Brown Bottom Paint

Post by Clay Stalker »

Have never seen the "Biolux" version in Brown, only the Micron CSC Extra. Works great, but expensive. Hamilton Marine in Maine has it, bought some there yesterday. However, good idea to call them first, because they don't carry a lot of brown.

Clay Stalker
Terry wrote: Anyone aware of where to obtain a gallon of Brown Interlux CSC Extra with Biolux in the northern Cheasapeake area? Have tried West, US/Boat, Fawcett. They only stock the red, black, blue, etc., otherwise it is a special order with fees to break a case and hazmat shipping charges, etc.
I thought it odd that it is manufactured, but you can't buy it, as pricey as it is. Apparantly, the reason it is not carried buy the retail stores is due to no demand for the color. Doesn't everyone sail a Cape Dory?
Would also appreciate any recommendations as to boot stripe paint, ie Petit's Brightwork Brown vs Interlux Chocolate Brown.
Thanks for your attention.
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