Tiller Pilots

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Tiller Pilots

Post by Jon »

Hi All,

How are tiller pilots powered? Do they draw a lot of amps? Is it possible to install one on an outboard boat, or do they require the big charging capacity of a diesel? Any recommendations?

CD25 Sovereign
Chris Cram

Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Chris Cram »

Hey Jon,

I had a Autohelm 1000 on my 25D. The unit was great, never failed. It sits in a fitting on the starboard seat with the arm resting on a post installed on the tiller. The power came from a multipin plug installed on the vertical side of the cockpit, near the rear. When the unit is stored the power recepticle is cover by a hanging plug. As to specific draw I don't know, but if you have an alternator on your outboard to charge you house battery then I am sure that would be sufficient. In fact I have a friend installing an alternator on his Honda 5hp this week for just this reason. If you don't have an alternator then consider two things. 1. a second dedicated battery or 2. using it only while leaving the cockpit to deal with sails etc.
Let us know what you end up doing.
Chris Cram

Gary McDonough

Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Gary McDonough »

Chris Cram wrote: 2. using it only while leaving the cockpit to deal with sails etc.
That's the worst time to use it if you're by yourself. If you fall overboard the boat will in all probability sail away from you. On my old 25D I essentially used it under power alone while I was in the cockpit. I found under sail or with any kind of sea conditions, it would not keep its course.

One of the nicest features of it was the ability to eat my lunch with two hands.


Chris Cram

Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Chris Cram »

This point cannot be denied!!!!! and care of course should be greatly exercised.

However when one sails alone ???? you would? preform these tasks while the boat is stopped? not always

Chris Cram


Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Jon »

<< I found under sail or with any kind of sea conditions, it would not keep its course.>>

Wouldn't hold course? Isnt' that the whole purpose of a tiller pilot? What brand and model was this?

P.S. Yes, a harness is mandatory.

Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Gary »

Chris Cram wrote: However when one sails alone ???? you would? preform these tasks while the boat is stopped? not always

What I meant was the only time I ever used the autopilot was under power and I would never leave the cockpit if alone. However, if I were to use it under sail I would still not leave the cockpit because the tiller pilot would prevent the boat from rounding up into the wind if I were to go "swimming". Hope this clarifies it.



Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Gary »

Jon wrote: Wouldn't hold course? Isnt' that the whole purpose of a tiller pilot? What brand and model was this?
I forget what kind it was but I can find out. My experience was that in light winds with no seas it was fine but if I added the other elements I found that it would go back and forth from the intended track and I was constantly making adjustments. It was actual easier to steer by hand than constantly making adjustments. I'm guessing that the problems I encountered is an inherent weakness in tiller autopilots. The tiller is just too sensitive. I guess that's why the real purists like them.

To me the real value was motoring for long distances with no wind. It really makes it a lot easier in that situation.



Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by len »


i had a 23 foot boat, not a CD, with a tiller-pilot - as others have written, it was fine for motoring and pretty useless sailing -

if your boat is well balanced and will sail on at least some points of sail with the tiller lashed (or if it will sail with the jib sheets rigged to control the tiller), it will probably sail well with a tiller-pilot, oherwise probably not

good luck


Jose Siqueira

Re: Tiller Pilots

Post by Jose Siqueira »

I have a CD22' with a tiller pilot (Autohelm 500, I think), it works fine ... I could't do without it. It motors perfect and under sail is pretty good. Is more efficient beating and as the wind shifts toward a run it becames more active. On a run I have problems stering without the autopilot and I can see the waves and try to compensate for them, so I don't expect miracles from my authohelm. I think sail trim is VERY important, I don't turn my autopilot on until I trim my sail and have very little weatherhelm .... that is the fun part about sailing ... sail trim.
Another thing to take under consideration is that it has a compass in it, so make sure that your spare anchor is not under it.It could have some effect.
On power consumption, I have one of those flexible solar pannel (0.56A) and it helps a lot. I think the max draw on the autopilot is 0.5A.

Good sailing.

Jose Siqueira
CD22, "cutie pie"
Charleston, SC

Jon wrote: Hi All,

How are tiller pilots powered? Do they draw a lot of amps? Is it possible to install one on an outboard boat, or do they require the big charging capacity of a diesel? Any recommendations?

CD25 Sovereign

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