Bulkhead issue. Requires replacement. Seeking cause.

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Bulkhead issue. Requires replacement. Seeking cause.

Post by Keyscaptainadam »

Dear Board,

I own Velella, a CD25, with bulkhead issues. The port side bulkhead is pulling away from the liner. Nearly an inch gap now exists.

I am fearful of mast compression, hull flex, etc. and need to know how to best repair/replace bulkhead/inspect for cause of issue.

Please chime in if you have any thoughts on how to best address.

S/V Velella .... CD 25 moored in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, NY
Sailing long island waters since 2009
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Re: Bulkhead issue. Requires replacement. Seeking cause.

Post by John Stone »

Need more info. Where is it pulling away? You say from the liner...a hull liner...overhead liner....?

Is the fiberglass tabbing attached to the hull but pulled away from the plywood bulkhead?

Be very specific.

Also, post some pictures...with a ruler in the photo. Some closes ups and a few further away for perspective.

The quality and usefulness of the responses will be directly related to the info you make available.
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Re: Bulkhead issue. Requires replacement. Seeking cause.

Post by Keyscaptainadam »

Good morning.

I have consulted some other CD25 owners, and apparently the bulkhead shift to center is a common symptom amongst older boats of flex and mast compression.

The port bulkhead has pulled about 3/4 of an inch away from the interior liner.

Apparently, there is no fiberglass tabbing that attaches the bulkhead to the actual hull. The LINER has a piece of teak thru bolted in the head area, and the liner is screwed into this for support.

My plan is to drop the stick in the spring. Remove existing bulkhead, cut a new, replace, and add a trim piece on teh overhead of the liner between the two bulkheads to limit the shift to center of the port/starboard bulkheads.

Any input?

S/V Velella .... CD 25 moored in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, NY
Sailing long island waters since 2009
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Re: Bulkhead issue. Requires replacement. Seeking cause.

Post by Frenchy »

Hi Adam - I don't have a CD 25 so perhaps my thinking is way off. Maybe your bulkhead and liner are
just fine and the mast compression (which you alluded to) is the cause of everything. When the mast is down,
see how the bulkhead is. Perhaps the focus of the repair should be mast support. - Good luck, Jean
Jean - 1983 CD 33 "Grace" moored in
Padanaram Harbor
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