reef points-CD 25

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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mike cook

reef points-CD 25

Post by mike cook »

I'm considering a second set of reef points on my newly purchased CD25. Any comments, recommendations, experiences? I've never been happy with roller reefing systems. Thank-you

Re: reef points-CD 25

Post by Tom »

bought our CD25 last spring and the previous owner had a second set of reef points put in for the added security and he did get some use out of them. The boat is in Buzzards Bay there is always wind and chop.

David Brownlee

Re: reef points-CD 25

Post by David Brownlee »

Our first CD was a 25, and we added two rows of reef points to her mainsail and happily gave up the roller furling. Going to windward when it was blowing 20ish and above, the second row was very useful. Also, because the center of area of the sail moves forward as it is reefed, the boat balances quite well under double reefed main alone, and we did some very windy sailing with that rig. (One wild broad reach down the Chester River, just as big front was creaming through, comes to mind.)

David Brownlee
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