CD-25 Stern Pulpit need a model to copy

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Paul Foudy

CD-25 Stern Pulpit need a model to copy

Post by Paul Foudy »

I own a 1976 CD-25 moored in Weymouth Mass.,which had it's stern rail/pulpit half torn off during hurricane Bob. A marine fabricator that was to repair it ended up cutting the remains up, accidently (great luck, huh??). They agreed that they will rebuild a rail, I need to find an existing rail to take measurements/photos etc. I can travel from roughly the Quincy Mass. area down to the upper Cape Cod area if any one can help out with this request. Please respond to so that we can get to particulars. Thanks in advance to any offers to help.
Brace Tallents

Re: CD-25 Stern Pulpit need a model to copy

Post by Brace Tallents »

Paul Foudy wrote: I own a 1976 CD-25 moored in Weymouth Mass.,which had it's stern rail/pulpit half torn off during hurricane Bob. A marine fabricator that was to repair it ended up cutting the remains up, accidently (great luck, huh??). They agreed that they will rebuild a rail, I need to find an existing rail to take measurements/photos etc. I can travel from roughly the Quincy Mass. area down to the upper Cape Cod area if any one can help out with this request. Please respond to so that we can get to particulars. Thanks in advance to any offers to help.
Have a 1980 cd25 , i think there the same , we are in CNY so this may be out of your range but you are welcome to come on down and use ours to patten one from . Although Im contemplatin changing to a diffrent style to allow for a stearn ladder . Maby something can be worked out good luck
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Where to look....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Instead of having a "marine fabricator" gin one up, why don't you go to the OEM? Ocean Engineering in Branford,CT supplied the stanchions and pulpits for Cape Dory. They are still in business. It may be cheaper for the insurance company to simply get one from them than have someone fabricate a one of a kind copy!

Look at the top of the Bboard front page, click on "where to look" and you will see Ocean Engineering, with address and telephone numbers...FWIW

Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
John Laton

Re: CD-25 Stern Pulpit need a model to copy

Post by John Laton »

Your welcome to check my 1975 CD25 located in the Point Judith Marina RI. E-mail if your interested.. I agree on the OEM suggestion in Branford though..Good luck

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