I have my beautiful new bronze builder's plate and I don't want to hide it. On the 25D, the original plate is at the top of the companionway where the sliding hatch, when open, covers almost all of it. Do all CDs have the plate located over the companionway, or would it be OK with the Gods to put it elsewhere, like at the rear of the cockpit, or on the side of the companionway? We renamed COQUINA sans ceremony and I don't want to anger the Gods any more than I have to.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Wondering why he worries about such stuff in Greenwich Cove
Builder's plate location
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Builder's plate location
On the CD-25's the builders plate is at the aft end of the cockpit just above the opening into the motor well. When I get my plate for "Lucille" I will be installing right there where it is easily seen.
Mike Buppert
Mike Buppert
Don Sargeant wrote: I have my beautiful new bronze builder's plate and I don't want to hide it. On the 25D, the original plate is at the top of the companionway where the sliding hatch, when open, covers almost all of it. Do all CDs have the plate located over the companionway, or would it be OK with the Gods to put it elsewhere, like at the rear of the cockpit, or on the side of the companionway? We renamed COQUINA sans ceremony and I don't want to anger the Gods any more than I have to.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Wondering why he worries about such stuff in Greenwich Cove
Re: Builder's plate location
My friend moved his builder's plate on his CD28 to the aft teak trim in the cockpit and put a clinometer on the horizontal companionway trim where the plate used to be. I know of no adverse consequences resulting either directly or indirectly from this modification!!
Don Sargeant wrote: I have my beautiful new bronze builder's plate and I don't want to hide it. On the 25D, the original plate is at the top of the companionway where the sliding hatch, when open, covers almost all of it. Do all CDs have the plate located over the companionway, or would it be OK with the Gods to put it elsewhere, like at the rear of the cockpit, or on the side of the companionway? We renamed COQUINA sans ceremony and I don't want to anger the Gods any more than I have to.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Wondering why he worries about such stuff in Greenwich Cove
Re: Builder's plate location
on my typhoon the plate(plastic) is on the aft end of the cockpit, above the inspection port. the new bronze one should look a whole lot shippier there this spring.
Don Sargeant wrote: I have my beautiful new bronze builder's plate and I don't want to hide it. On the 25D, the original plate is at the top of the companionway where the sliding hatch, when open, covers almost all of it. Do all CDs have the plate located over the companionway, or would it be OK with the Gods to put it elsewhere, like at the rear of the cockpit, or on the side of the companionway? We renamed COQUINA sans ceremony and I don't want to anger the Gods any more than I have to.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Wondering why he worries about such stuff in Greenwich Cove