Is engine sea intake on 33/36 a 1" or 3/4" seacock?

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Is engine sea intake on 33/36 a 1" or 3/4" seacock?

Post by Russell »

I feel stupid -- I thought we had this written down. But I don't. And I need to order a new seacock from Spartan. Does anyone out there know off hand the ID size of this hose?
Ken Coit

Re: Is engine sea intake on 33/36 a 1" or 3/4" seacock?

Post by Ken Coit »

I have a couple spare 3/4" seacocks at home and I am pretty sure that the intake on Parfait (CD-36 with Perkins 4-108) is larger. How much larger, I wouldn't dare say without looking at the boat.

If I get to the boat again this weekend, I will try to find a clue.

Russell wrote: I feel stupid -- I thought we had this written down. But I don't. And I need to order a new seacock from Spartan. Does anyone out there know off hand the ID size of this hose?
M. R. Bober

Re: Is engine sea intake on 33/36 a 1" or 3/4" seacock?

Post by M. R. Bober »

Call Spartan. They'll know.
Mitchell Bober
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