what are cape dory 28 standing rigging sizes ?

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what are cape dory 28 standing rigging sizes ?

Post by arch007 »

Thanks in advance.

Could anyone provide me the cape dory 28 standing rigging sizes ?

I want to convert to staloks and need to know what size staloks to buy.

Thanks again,

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Re: what are cape dory 28 standing rigging sizes ?

Post by tjr818 »

All of that information is on this website.

Here is the link for that:
http://www.capedory.org/specs/brochures ... ducts.html
Nonsuch 26 Ultra,
Previously, Sláinte a CD27
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Cathy Monaghan
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Re: what are cape dory 28 standing rigging sizes ?

Post by Cathy Monaghan »

It's all in the owners manual which you can download from our web site. Scroll to the top of this page and click on "CAPE DORY SAILBOAT OWNERS ASSN" logo, then use the menu on the left side of the page and select "Where to Look" > "Groups & Publications" > "Online Manuals & Brochures" > "CD Owners Manual". Once that page appears, click on the link for the appropriate manual. The CD28 is covered by 3 of them.

-Cathy Monaghan
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