Installing deck organizers and rope clutches

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Warren Kaplan

Installing deck organizers and rope clutches

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Not being as "nimble" as I used to be, I intend to lead halyards, reefing lines, etc back to the cockpit from the mast. I have never really closely inspected how this is done so I have a few questions.
1) The blocks that direct the lines toward the deck organizers from the mast, are they somehow attached to the mast or are they bolted to the coachroof or deck?
2) When attaching the deck organizers and rope clutches, I suspect I will have to drill right thru the coach roof into the cabin. Since that area is cored, I think I will overdrill the hole size and then fill it with solid epoxy. When cured I will drill the smaller, appropriate sized holes for the fitting thru solid epoxy. Then I will through bolt (bedded obviously) to a backing plate inside the cabin. I have a CD27. Is there anything I have to watch out for when doing this? Does anyone have a different method that may be better than what I'm thinking? Any suggestions for "brands" of organizers and rope clutches?
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 1980
Andy Denmark

Re: Installing deck organizers and rope clutches

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hi Warren,

First, I'd consider whether I'd want all those lines floating around in the cockpit before leading everything aft. To me that's a bigger mess to negotiate around than going forward to raise sails, reef, etc. Besides, it uses up one of the nicest areas of the boat. To keep everything organized one must gasket up the lines coming over the coachroof and it never fails that the one you want is under a bunch of others, securely seized up when you want it in a hurry. The other drawback is that you totally lose the best "leaning back" space on the boat because there are lines draped all over the place.

The easy way to mount stuff to the cabin top is the method the Gougeon Bros suggest. Drill the hole oversize (1/2" is good), dig out the balsa core 3/8" or so from the edges, fill with a mixture of high-density filler and epoxy being sure to get a sufficient amount bwtween the liner and the lower deck laminate. When this kicks, drill an appropriate pilot hole and tap for the fastener size you want using a blind tap. Be careful to limit the depth of the drill so you don't come through the inner liner. This applies to the tap depth and screw length as well.

This is the method I used on Rhiannon to mount the full length handrails, a turning block and sheet stopper for the one aft lead, the mounting cleats for the starboard dorade box. The cabin top winches are thru-bolted to the deck only -- there is nothing but an access hole with a white plastic plug under each winch fastening. The bronze cleats behind the winches are fastened with #14 OHST screws which seem to be more than sufficient.

For what it's worth.

Enjoying the sun and sailing in Florida. We take Rhiannon out a lot and other boats, too. Reading the wx from the northern climes is enough inducement to head south every winter. I'll be heading back to Oriental on March 8th to be home by April 1. Should be bearable, weatherwise, by then and I've got several deliveries lined up for immediately after that.

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
TDY from Oriental, NC in Stuart, FL
Lou Ostendorff

Re: your trip to Florida

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

Hi Andy;
Sounds like you're enjoying the 'warmer climes' in Stuart...BTW, how was your trip down? The last time we talked, seems you were in Charleston, or there abouts...did all your modifications perform to your satisfaction? Just interested, that's all...
Lou Ostendorff
'82 CD25D #63
Bob Marsh

Re: Installing deck organizers and rope clutches

Post by Bob Marsh »

I recently purchased a Deck organizer plate from JSI which will fit under the CD27 mast step perfectly. It is a Dwyer JSI's No. is DWY D292
If you are interested I can send you a foto

Bob Marsh
CD27#51 Aquanell
Dunedin FL

Warren Kaplan wrote: Not being as "nimble" as I used to be, I intend to lead halyards, reefing lines, etc back to the cockpit from the mast. I have never really closely inspected how this is done so I have a few questions.
1) The blocks that direct the lines toward the deck organizers from the mast, are they somehow attached to the mast or are they bolted to the coachroof or deck?
2) When attaching the deck organizers and rope clutches, I suspect I will have to drill right thru the coach roof into the cabin. Since that area is cored, I think I will overdrill the hole size and then fill it with solid epoxy. When cured I will drill the smaller, appropriate sized holes for the fitting thru solid epoxy. Then I will through bolt (bedded obviously) to a backing plate inside the cabin. I have a CD27. Is there anything I have to watch out for when doing this? Does anyone have a different method that may be better than what I'm thinking? Any suggestions for "brands" of organizers and rope clutches?
S/V Sine Qua Non
CD27 1980
Andy Denmark

Re: your trip to Florida

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hi Lou,

We had a great trip down from Charleston but still very cold -- didn't get consistently above freezing wx until past Daytona. From there south it was shirtsleeves and sweaters. All gear works fine -- it's been in place for several years and is thoroughly debugged and tested under extreme conditions. I will be adding a new laminate mainsail and Strong Track system when I get back, along with Harken traveller, mainsheet and vang. Those are the last big items on the improvement list.

Sailed today in 15-20 kts wind, 78 deg temp and it was great with full main and working jib. Four people aboard with picnic lunch and lots of Budweiser crew lubricant! This beats the hell out of staying in the cold for the winter!

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
TDY in Stuart, Fl from Oriental, NC

Re: Installing deck organizers and rope clutches

Post by Kurt »

when drilling through the deck I suggest the following...
Drill a 1/4" hole through the deck and into the core but not through the headliner. Next, place a bent (90 degree) nail into the drill chuck and gouge out a bunch of the balsa core making about a 1" diameter pocket in the core. Vacum out the balsa chips and fill with pure epoxy resin. Finally, redrill the 1/4" hole (or size to suit fastener) and mount your new hardware.
I used a Schaefer deck organizer and a Spinlock clutch to run my main halyard and topping lift back to the cockpit. I also have a Harken Furler on the headsail. My CD26 is almost too easy to sail.
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