Mercury Vs. sailpro tohatsu??

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Mercury Vs. sailpro tohatsu??

Post by Chrisa006 »

I have a 2005 Mercury 4stroke 6hp outboard on my CD25. If I go to a new Tohatsu 6hp sailpro will it be any quieter and will it have a little more thrust at the same RPM? :?:

Chris Anderheggen
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Carl Thunberg
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Re: Mercury Vs. sailpro tohatsu??

Post by Carl Thunberg »

I have had both, and the Mercury is actually quieter than the Tohatsu. Not what you wanted to hear. I didn't see a noticeable difference in thrust between them.
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Jim Walsh
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Re: Mercury Vs. sailpro tohatsu??

Post by Jim Walsh »

It is widely reported that Tohatsu supplies all the small outboards for Mercury, Nissan, and Evinrude. The choice between these brands would appear to be the choice of which sticker you would like to see on the engine cowling.
Jim Walsh

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John Stone
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Re: Mercury Vs. sailpro tohatsu??

Post by John Stone »

I think the way to determine the answer is to compare the specifics of two engines side by side. I'd hone in on reduction gear and propeller diameter, pitch, and number of blades. As for noise level Carl's experience is valuable though is the comparison based on use in the same boat, etc.

Reduction gear and propeller size, pitch, number of blades is key. I occasionally strap a Honda power thrust 9.9 hp (reduction gear and four blade prop) outboard on the 18,000lb loaded engineless CD 36 Far Reach and I cruise at 5 knots at 3/4 throttle. 5.9 knots at WOT. This is of course on smooth water. Bigger prop, less pitch, more blades will provide more thrust provided engine can run in its power band. That's where the reduction gear comes in.

How much difference it all makes for a CD 25 I can't say. It makes a big difference on my boat though.
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